A unique double degree between Florida and Marseille

Discover KEDGE-UNF double degree; a unique learning experience where students get to spend two years in France and two years in the U.S.A, become conversational in French and English, gain experience in both business cultures, and complete an internship abroad, thereby learning a second culture.

Origin of the project

Adaptability, mastery of the languages spoken in the workplace and an understanding of the attitudes of different cultures play a central role in the success of graduates abroad. With these challenges in mind, KEDGE has established a partnership with the Coggin College of Business at the University of North Florida (UNF) in the United States. The objective of the double degree between the University of North Florida and KEDGE Business School is to incorporate both French and American business cultures into the same curriculum.

A comprehensive programme

The two schools have thus agreed to take up this challenge together: to develop an in-depth understanding of cultures and languages through an immersive and career-oriented experience.

The programme launched by UNF (Jacksonville) and KEDGE Business School (Marseille) provides students with:

  • A KEDGE-UNF double degree (Bachelor of Business Administration from UNF and Bachelor of Business Administration from KEDGE),
  • A unique learning experience that challenges classic business schools programmes,
  • A 4-year course: two years in each country,
  • Proficiency in two languages,
  • Experience of two business cultures with an internship abroad  in a second culture.

"My best memory of the UNF-KEDGE programme is attending Viva Technology, an international conference on innovation and start-ups held in Paris. This programme offers a unique opportunity to learn about Franco-American business cultures and develop a very broad range of skills that young people need to succeed."

Giovanni KAGUE, former American student of the programme

Discover the IBBA

More about UNF

UNF's Coggin College of Business is an AACSB-accredited business school located in one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the United States: Jacksonville. Jacksonville is home to a number of international, national, and regional companies that are taking advantage of this booming market.  The city's port authority and connections to the rest of the country make it one of the most important logistics hubs on the US East Coast.