Strategy-Sustainability-Entrepreneurship Download CV

Lionel Maltese holds a PhD in Management Science from IAE Aix-en-Provence, Aix Marseille University (2004).  He has been an Associate Professor at Kedge Business School, teaching and conducting research in Sport Event Management and Marketing since 2006. He is also an Assistant Professor (Maître de Conférences) at Aix Marseille University – IUT Marseille, teaching in Strategic Management and Organizational Behaviour. He has been Head of the Professional Bachelor in New Technologies of Information and Communication since 2005 and DUT GEA2. His research focus is on Strategic Management and resource-based approaches, Reputation Management, Sponsorship Activation, Event Management, Sport Marketing and Management. He is a consulting expert for BNP Paribas (Hospitality Business Marketing), and for French tennis ATP tournaments (Open13 Marseille – Open Parv Auverne Rhone Alpes - BNP Paribas Masters Paris FFT – WTA Bussels Open – Open de Nice Côte d’Azur), advising on issues including: Event Organization, Strategic Asset Management and Planning, Entertainment & New Technologies Management, Ticketing Strategy and Hospitality Management, Sponsorship activations, Cause Related Marketing. He has also worked as a Consulting expert for the professional football clubs, PSG, working on the Fan Experience and Marketing Strategy, and Olympic of Marseille, working on Business Marketing Assets. From 2017 to 2020, hewas member of the Executive Committee of the French Federation of Tennis (FFT - Roland garros) – Roland Garros – Rolex Paris Masters in charge of the economic development and lecturer for professional players. Website:

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    MALTESE, L., "Marketing ¨¦v¨¦nementiel sportif : des ressources aux actifs territoriaux-le cas des tournois de tennis ATP proven?aux" in Ev¨¦nements et territoires. Aspects manag¨¦riaux et ¨¦tude de cas., Arnaud, C., Keramidas, O., Pasquier, M., Vuignier, R. Eds, BRUYLAND, 2018 2018 Book chapter
    GIROUX, M., F.PONS, L.MALTESE, "The role of perceived brand personality in promotion effectiveness and brand equity development of professional sports teams", International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 2017, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 180-195 2017 Journal article
    MALTESE, L., F.PONS, F.PREVOT, "Managing E-Reputation and Key Stakeholders in the Context of Sport Expressive Organizations", International Studies of Management & Organization, 2017, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 88-105 2017 Journal article
    MALTESE, L., M. TERRIEN, N. SCELLES, S. MORROW, C. DURAND, "The win/profit maximization debate: strategic adaptation as the answer?", Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 2017, vol. 7, no. 2 2017 Journal article
    MALTESE, L., F.PONS, J.-P.DANGLADE, O.KERAMIDAS, "L¡¯¨¦cosyst¨¨me des spectacles sportifs : de la recherche aux pratiques manag¨¦riales ¡­ et inversement", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gesti¨®n, 2016, no. 115, pp. 75-96 2016 Journal article
    MALTESE, L., "Marketing sportif territorial" in Management, ¨¦v¨¦nements et terrtoires., Arnaud, C., Keramidas, O. et Pasquier, M. Eds, Bruylant, 2016 2016 Book chapter
    Teaching domains


    • Sport Business Marketing & Management
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    Sports & Events Management

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    Marketing & new consumption
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    Marketing & new consumption