Marketing Download CV

Associate professor in digital marketing, Didier MAYEUR obtained his doctorate in Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Aix-Marseille. This Cifre thesis was realised  in partnership with a European e-commerce leader in 2014. Before devoting himself more specifically to teaching and research, he carried out a business project by founding a textile import-export company in 2004. This firm has reached a milestone of significant economic development with a network of international BtoB distribution of 450 points of sale and strong online BtoC sales activity. He sold his company in 2010. His research focuses on the optimization of digital marketing techniques and the psychology of Internet users. As a specialist in Search Marketing and UX, he is currently working on topics relating to the use of artificial intelligence applied to SEO.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    SOUCHET, L., D. MAYEUR, D. COURBET, S. HALIMI-FALKOWICZ, "L¡¯acquiescement r¨¦p¨¦t¨¦ appliqu¨¦ ¨¤ la communication num¨¦rique" Forthcoming Revue des Interactions Humaines M¨¦diatis¨¦es 2023 Journal article
    MAYEUR, D., L. SOUCHET, D. COURBET, S. HALIMI-FALKOWICZ, "Les effets comportementaux de la proc¨¦dure d¡¯acquiescement r¨¦p¨¦t¨¦ appliqu¨¦e ¨¤ la communication num¨¦rique." in Communication r¨¦elle et virtuelle : nouvelles perspectives en psychologie sociale de la communication., Marie-France Agnoletti , Edith Sales-Wuillemin Eds, Universitaires De Dijon Eds, 2022 2022 Book chapter
    Teaching domains


    Research domains
