Publications | Kedge Authors | Type of publications |
COVA, B., P.CHANIAL, A.CAILLE, G.GAGLIO, J.WEBER, "Gérer par la valeur sociale : Un pari impossible pour les mutuelles ?" in GESS : Gestion des Entreprises Sociales et Solidaires., Amina BEJI-BECHEUR, Pénélope CODELLO, Pascale CHATEAU TERRISSE Eds, Editions EMS, pp. 83-104., 2018 | COVA Bernard |
Book chapter |
GUERCINI, S., B.COVA, "Unconventional entrepreneurship", Journal of Business Research, 2018, vol. 92, no. November, pp. 385-391 | COVA Bernard |
Journal article |
PARANQUE, B., B.COVA, "Exploitation and Emancipation" in The Routledge Companion to Critical Marketing., Tadajewski,M., Higgins, M., Denegri-Knott,J. and Varman, R. Eds, Routledge, chap. 27, pp. 439-452, 2018 | COVA Bernard |
Book chapter |
NG, A. K., H.ZHANG, M.AFENYO, A.BECKER, S.CAHOON, S.-L.CHEN, M.ESTEBAN, C.FERRARI, Y.-Y.LAU, P. T.-W.LEE, J.MONIOS, A.TEI, Z.YANG, M.ACCIARO, "Port Decision Maker Perceptions on the Effectiveness of Climate Adaptation Actions", Coastal Management, 2018, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 148-175 | MONIOS Jason |
Journal article |
RYE, T., J.MONIOS, R.HRELJA, K.ISAKSSON, "The relationship between formal and informal institutions for governance of public transport", Journal of Transport Geography, 2018, vol. 69, pp. 196-206 | MONIOS Jason |
Journal article |
KIN, V., N.FABBE-COSTES, F.PREVOT, "Ambidextrie en contexte interorganisationnel", Revue Française de Gestion, 2018, vol. 44, no. 274, pp. 91-109 | PREVOT Frédéric |
Journal article |
COMYNS, B., "Climate change reporting and multinational companies: Insights from institutional theory and international business", Accounting Forum, 2018, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 65-77 | COMYNS Breeda |
Journal article |
COMYNS, B., E. FRANKLIN-JOHNSON, "Corporate Reputation and Collective Crises: A Theoretical Development Using the Case of Rana Plaza", Journal of Business Ethics, 2018, vol. 150, no. 1, pp. 159-183 | FRANKLIN-JOHNSON Elizabeth COMYNS Breeda |
Journal article |
MORA, P., T.WHITE - "S.A.G.E. : Une crèche parentale face aux évolutions de son domaine d'activité" - 2018, CCMP, Paris | WHITE Tim |
Case Study |
MORA, P., T.WHITE - "SAGE: A parent-run daycare centre in a changing environment" - 2018, CCMP, Paris, France | WHITE Tim |
Case Study |
CELHAY, F., H.REMAUD, "What does your wine label mean to consumers? A semiotic investigation of Bordeaux wine visual codes", Food Quality and Preference, 2018, vol. 65, pp. 129-145 | REMAUD Hervé |
Journal article |
LIVAT, F., H.REMAUD, "Factors Affecting Wine Price Mark-up in Restaurants", Journal of Wine Economics, 2018, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 144-159 | LIVAT Florine REMAUD Hervé |
Journal article |
BABONNEAU, F., A. BERNARD, A. HAURIE, M. VIELLE, "Meta-Modeling to Assess the Possible Future of Paris Agreement", Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 2018, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 611-626 | BABONNEAU Frédéric |
Journal article |
BABONNEAU, F., A. HAURIE, M. VIELLE, "Welfare implications of EU Effort Sharing Decision and possible impact of a hard Brexit", Energy Economics, 2018, vol. 74, pp. 470-489 | BABONNEAU Frédéric |
Journal article |
BABONNEAU, F., P. THALMANN, M. VIELLE, "Defining deep decarbonization pathways for Switzerland: an economic evaluation", Climate Policy, 2018, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 1-13 | BABONNEAU Frédéric |
Journal article |
CASTAGNONI, D., F. CAPEAU - "Palais des Thés ou comment optimiser la communication digitale" - 2018, CCMP | CAPEAU Fanny |
Case Study |
YAKOVLEVA, N., D. VAZQUEZ-BRUST, "Multinational mining enterprises and artisanal small-scale miners: From confrontation to cooperation", Journal of World Business, January 2018, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 52-62 | YAKOVLEVA Natalia |
Journal article |
BABONNEAU, F., A. HAURIE, M. VIELLE, "From COP21 pledges to a fair 2?C pathway", Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 2018, vol. 7, no. 2 | BABONNEAU Frédéric |
Journal article |
AKKAN, E., M. LAZAROVA, S. REICHE, "The role of repatriation in and for global careers" in The Management of Global Careers., Michael Dickmann, Vesa Suutari, Olivier Wurtz Eds, Palgrave Macmillan, chap. 9, pp. 223-256, 2018 | AKKAN Eren |
Book chapter |
VOLPERT, J., "L’Entreprise commerciale et son droit" in Économie-Droit. Prépas ECT. 1re et 2e année. Cours, méthodes, sujets., Garofalo Ludovic, Larchevêque Frédéric (coord.) Eds, Ellipses, pp. 525-534, 2018 | VOLPERT Johanna |
Book chapter |
VOLPERT, J., "La Protection du consommateur" in Économie-Droit. Prépas ECT. 1re et 2e année. Cours, méthodes, sujets., Garofalo Ludovic, Larchevêque Frédéric (coord.) Eds, Ellipses, pp. 611-621, 2018 | VOLPERT Johanna |
Book chapter |
VOLPERT, J., "La Protection du marché" in Économie-Droit. Prépas ECT. 1re et 2e année. Cours, méthodes, sujets., Garofalo Ludovic, Larchevêque Frédéric (coord.) Eds, Ellipses, pp. 551-560, 2018 | VOLPERT Johanna |
Book chapter |
GROSS, J., F. WANGENHEIM, "The Big Four of Influencer Marketing. A Typology of Influencers.", Marketing Review St. Gallen, 2018, vol. 2, pp. 30-38 | GROSS Jana |
Journal article |
GOGLIO-PRIMARD, K., E. SOULIER, "Connaissances et technologie dans les communautés d’innovation", Systèmes d’Information et Management, 2018, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 3-9 | GOGLIO Karine |
Journal article |
DEJOUX, C., F. CASCIOLI, "L’interaction entre un dispositif d’apprentissage numérique et les représentations de l’apprenant. Le cas du MOOC «du manager au leader agile» au sein de la Safran University", Distances et médiations des savoirs, 2018, vol. 24 | CASCIOLI KARIVALIS Fiammetta |
Journal article |
BALLY, F., "Entre citoyens et institutions : une co-production d’un capital environnemental sur le territoire urbain ?", VertigO, 2018, no. Hors-série 29 | BALLY Frédéric |
Journal article |
MATHIEU, A., "Unification monétaire et soutenabilité: les enseignements de l'histoire canadienne aux européens", Revue Interventions Economiques, 2018, vol. 60 | MATHIEU ALBAN |
Journal article |
BARKEMEYER, R., P.GIVRY, F.FIGGE, "Trends and patterns in sustainability-related media coverage: A classification of issue-level attention", Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 2018, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 937-962 | BARKEMEYER Ralf GIVRY Philippe |
Journal article |
HAHN, T., F. FIGGE, J. PINKSE, L. PREUSS, "A Paradox Perspective on Corporate Sustainability: Descriptive, Instrumental, and Normative Aspects", Journal of Business Ethics, 2018, vol. 148, no. 2, pp. 235-248 | PREUSS Lutz |
Journal article |