Publications | Kedge Authors | Type of publications |
GAO, N., "Chinese companies Go Global The case of Chinese investments in France" in China's Global Political Economy: Managerial Perspectives., Ed., Routledge, chap. 7, pp. 127-148, 2018 | GAO Ni |
Book chapter |
GAO, N., "Control and Coordination of Chinese Subsidiaries in France" in Asian Nations and Multinationals., Ed., Springer International Publishing, chap. 3, pp. 29-45, 2018 | GAO Ni |
Book chapter |
GAO, N., J. SCHAAPER, "Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in France: Motivations and Management Style", Management International Review (Gabler), 2018, vol. 22, no. Numéro spécial, pp. 113-129 | GAO Ni |
Journal article |
CARIGNANI, G., P.ANDRIANI, "Complex analogy and modular exaptation: some critical reflections" in Handbook of Research Methods in Complexity Science: Theory and Application., Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, chap. 22, pp. 483-506, 2018 | ANDRIANI Pierpaolo |
Book chapter |
BERTRAND, P., J. PRIGENT, "Residential Real Estate In a Mixed Asset Portfolio", Bankers, Markets & Investors (ex Banque et Marchés), 2018, vol. 150, pp. 3-20 | BERTRAND Philippe |
Journal article |
DURRIEU, F., F.PONSIGNON, T.BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA - "La Cité du Vin” case study: Assessing and improving customer experience design in the wine tourism sector" - 2018, CCMP | BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA Tatiana DURRIEU François PONSIGNON Frédéric |
Case Study |
HABERSTROH, K., U. R. ORTH, T. BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA, A. CORSI, J. COHEN, R. CROUCH, R. DE MARCHI, "Through the lens of self-construal: cross-cultural variation in consumers' appreciation of harmony in marketing visuals", International Marketing Review, 2018, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 429-457 | BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA Tatiana |
Journal article |
AUGER, P., P.MIRVIS, R.WOODMAN, "Getting lost to find direction: Grounded theorizing and consciousness-raising in management education", Management Learning, 2018, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 453-470 | AUGER Pascale |
Journal article |
HOLLANDTS, X., "Friend or foe? Employee ownership and CEO dismissal", Managerial and Decision Economics, November 2018, vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 377-388 | HOLLANDTS Xavier |
Journal article |
HOLLANDTS, X., N. AUBERT, A. BEN ABDELHAMID, V. PRIEUR, "The Curvilinear Impact of Employee Ownership on CEO entrenchment,", Management International, October 2018, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 112-127 | HOLLANDTS Xavier |
Journal article |
VALIORGUE, B., E.BARGUES, X.HOLLANDTS, "La difficile transition d'une gouvernance privée à une gouvernance démocratique suite à une reprise en SCOP" in Gestion des entreprises sociales et solidaires., Amina Béji-Bécheur, Pénélope Codello, Pascale Chateau-Terrisse Eds, Editions EMS, 2018 | HOLLANDTS Xavier |
Book chapter |
AKGÜN, E., Z., J.MONIOS, "Institutional influences on the development of urban freight transport policies by local authorities" in Preparing for the New Era of Transport Policies: Learning from Experience.., Yoram Shiftan & Maria Kamargianni Ed., Elsevier, pp. 169-196, 2018 | MONIOS Jason |
Book chapter |
BERGQVIST, R., J.MONIOS, "Green ports in theory and practice" in Green Ports; Inland and Seaside Sustainable Transportation Strategies., Bergqvist, R. & Monios, J. Eds, Elsevier, pp. 1-17, 2018 | MONIOS Jason |
Book chapter |
DU, K., J.MONIOS, Y.WANG, "Green port strategies in China" in Green Ports; Inland and Seaside Sustainable Transportation Strategies., Bergqvist, R. & Monios, J. Eds, Elsevier, pp. 211-229, 2018 | MONIOS Jason |
Book chapter |
GONZALEZ AREGALL, M., R.BERGQVIST, J.MONIOS, "A global review of the hinterland dimension of green port strategies", Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2018, vol. 59, pp. 23-34 | MONIOS Jason |
Journal article |
GONZALEZ-ARREGAL, M., R.BERGQVIST, J.MONIOS, "Port-driven measures for incentivizing sustainable hinterland transport" in Green Ports; Inland and Seaside Sustainable Transportation Strategies., Bergqvist, R. & Monios, J. Eds, Elsevier, pp. 193-210, 2018 | MONIOS Jason |
Book chapter |
KRAMBERGER, T., J.MONIOS, G.STRUBELJ, B.RUPNIK, "Using dry ports for port co-opetition: the case of Adriatic ports", International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2018, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 18-44 | MONIOS Jason |
Journal article |
MCTIGUE, C., J.MONIOS, T.RYE, "Identifying barriers to implementation of local transport policy: An analysis of bus policy in Great Britain", Utilities Policy, 2018, vol. 50, pp. 133-143 | MONIOS Jason |
Journal article |
MONIOS, J., "Intermodal freight transport" in The Routledge Handbook of Transport Economics., Jonathan Cowie & Stephen Ison Ed., Routledge, pp. 404-422, 2018 | MONIOS Jason |
Book chapter |
MONIOS, J., A.INNES, "Identifying the unique challenges of installing cold ironing at small and medium ports – The case of Aberdeen", Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2018, vol. 62, pp. 298-313 | MONIOS Jason |
Journal article |
MONIOS, J., C.MCTIGUE, T.RYE, "The role of reporting mechanisms in transport policy implementation by local authorities in England", Case Studies on Transport Policy, 2018, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 319-328 | MONIOS Jason |
Journal article |
MONIOS, J., R.BERGQVIST, J.WOXENIUS, "Port-centric cities: The role of freight distribution in defining the port-city relationship", Journal of Transport Geography, 2018, vol. 66, pp. 53-64 | MONIOS Jason |
Journal article |
ELAGE, A., Y. MARD, "Code de gouvernance et gestion des résultats comptables : le cas des sociétés françaises cotées", Comptabilité Contrôle Audit, 2018, vol. 2, no. 24, pp. 113-147 | ELAGE Adam |
Journal article |
SERVAJEAN-HILST, R., H. POISSONNIER, G. PIERANGELINI, Collaborer pour innover: Le management stratégique des ressources externes, De Boeck Superieur, Bruxelles, Belgium, 2018 | SERVAJEAN-HILST Romaric |
Book |
SERVAJEAN-HILST, R., R.CALVI, "Shades of the Innovation-Purchasing function – the missing link of Open Innovation", International Journal of Innovation Management, 2018, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1-30 | SERVAJEAN-HILST Romaric |
Journal article |
AARIKKA-STENROOS, L., L.AABOEN, B.COVA, A.ROLSFEN, "Building B2B relationships via initiation contributors: Three cases from the Norwegian-South Korean international project business", Industrial Marketing Management, 2018, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 74-85 | COVA Bernard |
Journal article |
COVA, B., A.CARU, J.CAYLA, "Re-conceptualizing escape in consumer research", Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 2018, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 445-464 | COVA Bernard |
Journal article |
COVA, B., A.SHANKAR, "Consumption tribes and collective performance" in Consumer Culture Theory., Eric J. Arnould & Craig J Thompson Ed., Sage, pp. 88-106, 2018 | COVA Bernard |
Book chapter |
COVA, B., D.DALLI, "Prosumption tribes: How consumers collectively rework brands, products, services and markets" in The SAGE Handbook of Consumer Culture., Olga Kravets, Pauline Maclaran, Steven Miles & Alladi Venkatesh Eds, Sage, pp. 235-255, 2018 | COVA Bernard |
Book chapter |
COVA, B., G.GAGLIO, J.WEBER, P.CHANIAL, "Organizational Sensemaking of Non-ethical Consumer Behavior: Case Study of a French Mutual Insurance Company", Journal of Business Ethics, 2018, vol. 148, no. 4, pp. 783-799 | COVA Bernard |
Journal article |