Publications | Kedge Authors | Type of publications |
BRUNA, M.-G., Z.YANAT, J.-P.TCHANKAM, "Justice organisationnelle et politiques de diversité : une esquisse de réflexion managériale sous le prisme lévinassien", Question(s) de Management, 2018, no. 22, pp. 83-99 | TCHANKAM Jean-Paul |
Journal article |
FEUDJO, J. R., J.-P.TCHANKAM, "L'implication des actionnaires institutionnels dans la gouvernance des entreprises : le cas d'une économie en développement", Recherche en sciences de gestion, 2018, no. 128, pp. 159-182 | TCHANKAM Jean-Paul |
Journal article |
TCHAGANG, E., J.-P.TCHANKAM, "Identité de genre et intention entrepreneuriale des étudiants camerounais", Question(s) de Management, June 2018, vol. 20, pp. 69-84 | TCHANKAM Jean-Paul |
Journal article |
TCHAGANG, E., J.-P.TCHANKAM, "Les antécédents sociodémographiques de l'intention entrepreneuriale des étudiants : le rôle médiateur de l'auto-efficacité entrepreneuriale", Gestion 2000, 2018, vol. 1, pp. 21-46 | TCHANKAM Jean-Paul |
Journal article |
OURAHMOUNE, N., I.ROBERT, A.-S.BINNINGER, "Nudge environnementaux et norme sociale: une analyse controversée des discours de consommateurs" in La conduite du changement climatique: entre contraintes et incitations., Ed., L. G. D. J. , chap. 3, pp. 117-134, 2018 | OURAHMOUNE Nacima |
Book chapter |
DUCASSY, I., A.CROUZET - "L'introduction en Bourse de Numéricable" - 2018, CCMP, France | DUCASSY Isabelle |
Case Study |
PONSIGNON, F., A.SMART, L.PHILLIPS, "A customer journey perspective on service delivery system design: insights from healthcare", International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 2018, vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 2328-2347 | PONSIGNON Frédéric |
Journal article |
CROWSTON, K., I.FAGNOT, "Stages of motivation for contributing user-generated content: A theory and empirical test.", International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 2018, vol. 109, pp. 89-101 | FAGNOT Isabelle |
Journal article |
FAGNOT, I., C.YE, K.DESOUZA, "Unpacking complexities of mega-scale public sector information technology projects: An ecosystem perspective", Systèmes d'information & management, 2018, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 9-41 | FAGNOT Isabelle |
Journal article |
BIGO, V., "On Silence, Creativity and Ethics in Organization Studies", Organization Studies, 2018, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 121-133 | BIGO Vinca |
Journal article |
BIGO, V., V.MARTIN, "Think tank - Not fair, not enough, not good enough: Searching for answers to the care crisis", Global Business and Organizational Excellence, Fall 2018, vol. 37, pp. 51-59 | MARTIN Virginie BIGO Vinca |
Journal article |
WAHYUNINGTYAS, S. Y., J.HANOTEAU, V.VIAL, "The role of social networks in entrepreneurial ecosystems: The case of #StartupLokal in Jakartaems: The case of #StartupLokal in Jakarta", Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 2018, vol. 37, pp. 22-29 | HANOTEAU Julien VIAL Virginie |
Journal article |
M'CHIRGUI, Z., W.LAMINE , S.MIAN, A.FAYOLLE, "University Technology Commercialization through new venture projects: an assessment of the French regional incubator program.", Journal of Technology Transfer, 2018, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 1142-1160 | M'CHIRGUI Zouhaier |
Journal article |
JIANG, C., R.BELZ, "Chinese firms in France: Investment motives and related top manager staffing practices" in China's global political economy: Managerial perspectives., Ed., Routledge, chap. 8, pp. 149-167, 2018 | JIANG Cuiling |
Book chapter |
TCHAKOUTE, H., "Governance effectiveness and earnings quality: Evidence from microfinance institutions", Comptabilité - Contrôle - Audit, 2018, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 73-113 | TCHAKOUTE TCHUIGOUA Hubert |
Journal article |
TCHAKOUTE, H., "Which types of microfinance institutions decentralize the loan approval process?", The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2018, vol. 67, pp. 237-244 | TCHAKOUTE TCHUIGOUA Hubert |
Journal article |
OUNAR, F., O.LABARTHE, P.PUJO, B.MONTREUIL, "Multicriteria Supplier Selection for Supply Chain Management" in Studies in Computational Intelligence., Borangiu, T., Trentesaux, D., Thomas, A., Cardin, O. Eds, Springer International Publishing, vol. 762, pp. 27-40, 2018 | LABARTHE Olivier |
Book chapter |
GOMBAULT, A., D.SELLES, "Louvre Abu Dhabi : A Radical Innovation but What Future for French Cultural Influence ?", International Journal of Arts Management, 2018, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 83-94 | GOMBAULT Anne |
Journal article |
CASTAGNONI, D., S.D'ANTONE - "Brand experience : how can Kusmi Tea counter Palais des Thés ?" - 2018, CCMP, Paris | D'ANTONE Simona |
Case Study |
BOEHE, D., A.JIMENEZ, "Does the sequencing of related and unrelated export diversification matter? Evidence from Colombian exporters", International Business Review, 2018, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 1141-1149 | JIMENEZ Alfredo |
Journal article |
DELLA PIANA, B., A.VECCHI, A.JIMENEZ, "Embracing a new perspective on the governance of family business groups: A cross-cultural perspective", European Journal of International Management, 2018, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 223-254 | JIMENEZ Alfredo |
Journal article |
JIMENEZ, A., D.BENITO-OSORIO, J.PUCK, P.KLOPF, "The multi-faceted role of experience dealing with policy risk: The impact of intensity and diversity of experiences", International Business Review, 2018, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 102-112 | JIMENEZ Alfredo |
Journal article |
JIMENEZ, A., D.BOEHE, "How do political and market exposure nurture ambidexterity?", Journal of Business Research, 2018, vol. 89, pp. 67-76 | JIMENEZ Alfredo |
Journal article |
JIMENEZ, A., E.SALVAJ, J. Y.LEE, "Policy risk, distance, and private participation projects in Latin America", Journal of Business Research, 2018, vol. 88, pp. 123-131 | JIMENEZ Alfredo |
Journal article |
JIMENEZ, A., I.ALON, "Corruption, Political Discretion and Entrepreneurship", Multinational Business Review, 2018, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 111-125 | JIMENEZ Alfredo |
Journal article |
JIMENEZ, A., M.EREN, S.BAYRAKTAR, "Turkey’s Fight against Corruption: State of Art and the Road Ahead" in Handbook on the Geographies of Corruption., Ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 213-227, 2018 | JIMENEZ Alfredo |
Book chapter |
JIMENEZ, A., T.BJORVATN, "The building blocks of political risk research: a bibliometric co-citation analysis", International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2018, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 631-652 | JIMENEZ Alfredo |
Journal article |
CANNING, L., E.FRANKLIN-JOHNSON - "The big squeeze. Orange and the challenge of mobile phone take-back" - 2018, CCMP, Paris | FRANKLIN-JOHNSON Elizabeth CANNING Louise |
Case Study |
FEDI, L., " Le droit anglais des ventes maritimes; Sassoon: CIF and FOB Contracts", Droit maritime français, May 2018, no. 802, pp. 412-420 | FEDI Laurent |
Journal article |