Publications | Kedge Authors | Type of publications |
COUPE, T., O.GERGAUD, A.NOURY, "Biases and Strategic Behaviour in Performance Evaluation: The Case of the FIFA's best soccer player award", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2018, vol. 80, no. 2, pp. 358-379 | GERGAUD Olivier |
Journal article |
GERGAUD, O., F. LIVAT, H. SONG, "Terrorism and Wine Tourism: The Case of Museum Attendance", Journal of Wine Economics, 2018, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 375-383 | LIVAT Florine GERGAUD Olivier |
Journal article |
GERGAUD, O., V.GINSBURGH, "Natural endowments, production technologies and the quality of wines. Does terroir matter?" in Handbook of the Economics of Wine., Ashenfelter, O., Gergaud, O., Storchmann, K., Ziemba, W. Eds, World Scientific, vol. 1, chap. 4, pp. 97-118, 2018 | GERGAUD Olivier |
Book chapter |
RICKARD, B., O.GERGAUD, S.HO, F.LIVAT, H.SHUAY-TSYR, "Trade liberalization in the presence of domestic regulations: public policies applied to EU and U.S. wine markets", Applied Economics, 2018, vol. 50, no. 18, pp. 2028-2047 | LIVAT Florine GERGAUD Olivier |
Journal article |
TARNAUD, N., C.BOURGEOIS, L.BABIN, "Les professions règlementées à l'épreuve de l'ubérisation du droit : vers un monde sans avocat ?", Management et Sciences Sociales, 2018, vol. 25, pp. 103-117 | BOURGEOIS Clémentine |
Journal article |
BAROUCH, G., C. BEY, "Cost of quality and process model : improving accounting tools for attaining higher environmental efficiency", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, vol. 181, pp. 192-200 | BEY Christoph |
Journal article |
COUVREUR, V., M. FAGET, G. LOBET, M. JAVAUX, F. CHAUMONT, X. DRAYE, "Going with the flow: multiscale insights into the composite nature of water transport in roots", Plant physiology, 2018, vol. 178, no. 4, pp. 1689-1703 | FAGET Marc |
Journal article |
WEIDLICH, E. W. A., V. M. TEMPERTON, M. FAGET, "Neighbourhood stories: role of neighbour identity, spatial location and order of arrival in legume and non-legume initial interactions", Plant and Soil, 2018, vol. 424, no. 1-2, pp. 171-182 | FAGET Marc |
Journal article |
KRAAK, J., M.RUSSO, A.JIMENEZ, "Work-life balance psychological contract perceptions for older workers", Personnel Review, 2018, vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 1194-1220 | KRAAK Johannes JIMENEZ Alfredo |
Journal article |
KRAAK, J., Y. ALTMAN, A. LAGUECIR-DERUJINSKY, "Psychological Contract Meets Cultural Theory: A Study of Self-Initiated Expatriates", International Studies of Management & Organization, 2018, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 386-402 | KRAAK Johannes |
Journal article |
BOMPAR, L., R.LUNARDO - "Boardriders distribution strategy Back to the endless summer for Quiksilver?" - 2018, CCMP | LUNARDO Renaud BOMPAR Laurent |
Case Study |
GONZALEZ, C., M.KORCHIA, P.DE PECHPEYROU, "Les shoppers de site d’achat groupé sont-ils tous des "chasseurs de bonnes affaires" ? Proposition d’une typologie des profils d’achat", Management & Avenir, Spring 2018, vol. 101, no. 3, pp. 83-103 | KORCHIA Michaël |
Journal article |
BARNETO, P., S.OUVRARD, S. V.GANDJA, "Démarches de pilotage de la performance organisationnelle dans les sociétés de services" in Emergence de la théorie comptable et des Sciences économiques du XVe au XXIe siècle - Mélanges en l'honneur du Professeur Jean-Guy Degos., Yves Levant & Stéphane Trébucq Ed., L'Harmattan, pp. 325-336, 2018 | GANDJA Serge Valant OUVRARD Stéphane |
Book chapter |
BOMPAR, L., R.LUNARDO - "La stratégie de distribution de Boardriders Est-ce le retour à un « été sans fin » pour Quiksilver ?" - 2018, CCMP | LUNARDO Renaud BOMPAR Laurent |
Case Study |
BOMPAR, L., R.LUNARDO, C.SAINTIVES, "The effects of humor usage by salespersons: the roles of humor type and business sector", Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 2018, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 599-609 | LUNARDO Renaud BOMPAR Laurent |
Journal article |
CHANEY, D., R.LUNARDO, R.MENCARELLI, "Consumption experience: past, present", Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 2018, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 402-420 | LUNARDO Renaud |
Journal article |
LUNARDO, R., C.SAINTIVES, "Coping with the ambivalent emotions of guilt and pride in the service context", Journal of Services Marketing, 2018, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 360-370 | LUNARDO Renaud |
Journal article |
LUNARDO, R., L.BOMPAR - "Boardriders Mapping the Perceived Brand Image of QUIKSILVER and ROXY in a Highly Competitive Market" - 2018, CCMP | LUNARDO Renaud BOMPAR Laurent |
Case Study |
LUNARDO, R., L.BOMPAR - "Cartographie de l'image des marques QUIKSILVER et ROXY du groupe Boardriders" - 2018, CCMP | LUNARDO Renaud BOMPAR Laurent |
Case Study |
LUNARDO, R., L.BOMPAR, C.SAINTIVES, "L’usage de l’humour par les vendeurs et son impact sur la performance : le rôle de la phase d’exploration et du type d’humour", Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition), 2018, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 6-26 | LUNARDO Renaud BOMPAR Laurent |
Journal article |
GIMET, P., C.GRENIER, "Gouvernance et leadership d’une méta-organisation innovante. Le cas d’un pôle dédié aux services médicosociaux à domicile", Revue Française de Gestion, 2018, no. 273, pp. 11-27 | GRENIER Corinne GIMET Paul |
Journal article |
ADLAND, R., P.CARIOU, F.-C.WOLFF, "Does energy efficiency affect ship values in the second-hand market?", Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2018, vol. 111, pp. 347-359 | CARIOU Pierre |
Journal article |
ADLAND, R., P.CARIOU, H.JIA, F.-C.WOLFF, "The energy efficiency effects of periodic ship hull cleaning", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, vol. 178, pp. 1-13 | CARIOU Pierre |
Journal article |
CARIOU, P., A.CHEAITOU, R.LARBI, S.HAMDAN, "Liner shipping network design with emission control areas: A genetic algorithm-based approach", Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2018, vol. 63, pp. 604-621 | CARIOU Pierre |
Journal article |
GRAZIANO, A., P.CARIOU, F.-C.WOLFF, M. Q.MEJIA, J.-U.SCHRĂ–DER-HINRICHS, "Port state control inspections in the European Union: Do inspector's number and background matter?", Marine Policy, 2018, vol. 88, pp. 230-241 | CARIOU Pierre |
Journal article |
DARDOUR, A., N.TOUMI, R.BOUSSAADA, "Composition du conseil d’administration et divulgation d’informations RSE", Finance Contrôle Stratégie, October 2018, vol. NS-4, pp. 61-92 | DARDOUR Ali |
Journal article |
HALDAR, A., R.SHAH, S.RAO, P.STOKES, D.DEMIRBAS, A.DARDOUR, "Corporate Performance: Does Board Independence Matter? Indian Evidence", International Journal of Organizational Analysis, March 2018, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 185-200 | DARDOUR Ali |
Journal article |
ROKKA, J., N. OURAHMOUNE, "When a Rapper Buys a Champagne House: Jay-Z and Ace of Spades." in Consumer Behaviour: A European perspective., Michael R. Solomon, Gary J. Bamossy, Søren T. Askegaard and Margaret K. Hogg Eds, Pearson editions, chap. case study, pp. 638-639, 2018 | OURAHMOUNE Nacima |
Book chapter |
DUCASSY, I. - "Carrefour / DIA : un spin-off contesté" - 2018, CCMP, France | DUCASSY Isabelle |
Case Study |
MAURER, F., "Entreprise Risk Management (ERM) et création de valeur dans les PME/ETI" in Variations autour des PME et entreprises de taille intermédiaire., Ed., Editions EMS, pp. 63-71, 2018 | MAURER Frantz |
Book chapter |