
2478 results


Publications Kedge Authors Type of publications
BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA, T., A.JAEGLER, P.TESSON - "At the forefront of Wine and Spirits: Digital technologies at DARTESS bring new solutions" - 2018, CCMP BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA Tatiana
Case Study
JAEGLER, Y., A.JAEGLER, P.BURLAT, S.LAMOURI, D.TRENTESAUX, "The ConWip production control system: a systematic review and classification", International Journal of Production Research, 2018, vol. 56, no. 17, pp. 5736-5757 JAEGLER Anicia
Journal article
JRADI, S., T. BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA, B. DELHOMME, A. JAEGLER, "Tracking carbon footprint in French vineyards: A DEA performance assessment", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, vol. 192, pp. 43-54 BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA Tatiana
Journal article
SISLIAN, L., A.JAEGLER, "A sustainable maritime balanced scorecard applied to the Egyptian Port of Alexandria", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2018, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 101-110 JAEGLER Anicia
Journal article
STEKELORUM, R., I.LAGUIR, J.-M.COURRENT, A.JAEGLER, "Extending CSR in SMEs’ upstream supply chains: a dynamic capabilities perspective", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2018, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 233-251 JAEGLER Anicia
Journal article
PEĂ‘ALOZA, L., "Ethnic marketing practice and research at the intersection of market and social development: A macro study of the past and present, with a look to the future", Journal of Business Research, 2018, vol. 82, pp. 273-280 PEĂ‘ALOZA Lisa
Journal article
KLIBI, W., S.ICHOUA, A.MARTEL, "Prepositioning emergency supplies to support disaster relief: a case study using stochastic programming", INFOR Journal, 2018, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 50-81 KLIBI Walid
Journal article
LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., "Sustainable finance: a critical realist perspective.", Research in International Business and Finance, 2018, vol. 47, pp. 1-9 LAGOARDE-SEGOT Thomas
Journal article
LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., B. PARANQUE, "Finance and sustainability: from ideology to utopia", International Review of Financial Analysis, 2018, vol. 55, pp. 80-92 LAGOARDE-SEGOT Thomas
Journal article
LAGOARDE-SEGOT, T., B.PARANQUE, "Une finance soutenable: quelle Utopie?", Revue de Philosophie Economique, 2018, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 157-199 LAGOARDE-SEGOT Thomas
Journal article
CHENAVAZ, R., C.PARASCHIV, "Dynamic pricing for inventories with reference price effects", Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 2018, pp. 1-16 CHENAVAZ RĂ©gis
Journal article
CHENAVAZ, R., J.DROUARD, O. R.ESCOBAR, B.KAROUBI, "Convenience pricing in online retailing: Evidence from", Economic Modelling, 2018, vol. 70, pp. 127-139 CHENAVAZ RĂ©gis
Journal article
MEJRI, K., J.MACVAUGH, D.TSAGDIS, "Knowledge configurations of small and medium-sized knowledge-intensive firms in a developing economy: A knowledge-based view of business-to-business internationalization", Industrial Marketing Management, 2018, vol. 71, pp. 160-170 TSAGDIS Dimitrios
Journal article
BENTEBBAA, S., J. C. PACITTO, A. LOUITRI, R. ABDOUNE, "Les entreprises familiales apprennent-elles différemment ? Effets des attributs ambivalents de l’entreprise familiale sur les apprentissages des individus et de l’organisation", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gestión, 2018, vol. 127, pp. 163-186 BENTEBBAA Sara
ABDOUNE Radouane
Journal article
DARDOUR, A., R. ABDOUNE, S. BENTEBBAA, "Les déterminants de la réussite de la levée de fonds via les plateformes de financement participatif – Cas des start-up", Management & Avenir, 2018, vol. 105, pp. 81-98 DARDOUR Ali
ABDOUNE Radouane
Journal article
COUSTON, A., I. PIGNATEL, "De l’institution à l’acteur : le rôle de la légitimité dans le changement institutionnel, le cas de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (ESR)", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gestión, Winter 2018, no. 127, pp. 243-270 PIGNATEL Isabelle
COUSTON Alexandra
Journal article
COUSTON, A., I. PIGNATEL, "PhDs and business: nonsense or a real opportunity.", Global Business and Organizational Excellence, Winter 2018, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 49-58 PIGNATEL Isabelle
COUSTON Alexandra
Journal article
BARTIKOWSKI, B., A.LAROCHE, A.JAMAL, Z.YANG, "The Type-of-Internet-Access Digital Divide and the Well-Being of Ethnic Minority and Majority Consumers: A Multi-Country Investigation", Journal of Business Research, 2018, vol. 82, pp. 373-380 BARTIKOWSKI Boris
Journal article
CLEVELAND, M., B.BARTIKOWSKI, "Cultural and Identity Antecedents of Market Mavenism: Comparing Chinese at Home and Abroad", Journal of Business Research, 2018, vol. 82, pp. 354-363 BARTIKOWSKI Boris
Journal article
FASTOSO, F., B. BARTIKOWSKI, S. WANG, "The “little emperor” and the luxury brand: How overt and covert narcissism affect brand loyalty and proneness to buy counterfeits", Psychology & Marketing, 2018, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 522-532 BARTIKOWSKI Boris
Journal article
PAPADOPOULOS, N., M.CLEVELAND, B.BARTIKOWSKI, A.YAPRAK, "Of countries, places and product/brand place associations: an inventory of dispositions and issues relating to place image and its effects", Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2018, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 735-753 BARTIKOWSKI Boris
Journal article
DESOUTTER, M., A. LAVISSIERE, "Handling Supply Chain Crises when everything has been done to avoid them", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2018, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 219-232 LAVISSIERE Alexandre
Journal article
DESOUTTER, M., A. LAVISSIERE, "Handling Supply Chain Crises when everything has been done to avoid them", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2018, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 219-232 LAVISSIERE Alexandre
Journal article
BENTAHA, M. L., A. DOLGUI, O. BATTAIA, R. J. RIGGS, J. HU, "Profit-oriented partial disassembly line design: dealing with hazardous parts and task processing times uncertainty", International Journal of Production Research, 2018, vol. 56, no. 24, pp. 7220-7242 BATTAIA Olga
Journal article
METE, S., Z. A. ÇIL, E. ÖZCEYLAN, K. AGPAK, O. BATTAIA, "An optimisation support for the design of hybrid production lines including assembly and disassembly tasks", International Journal of Production Research, 2018, vol. 56, no. 24, pp. 7375-7389 BATTAIA Olga
Journal article
DE VECCHI, D., "Company-speak, organisation-speak" in Languages for Special Purposes - An International Handbook., John Humbley, Gerhard Budin, Christer Laurén Eds, De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 279-288, 2018 DE VECCHI Dardo
Book chapter
AHEMD, K. Z. B., S.JASIMUDDIN, W. L.KEE, "Organizational climate and job satisfaction: do employees’ personalities matter?", Management Decision, 2018, vol. 56(2), pp. 421-440 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
Journal article
ISLAM, Z., S.JASIMUDDIN, A.HASAN, "Determinants that influence Knowledge Sharing: An Integrated Literature Review.", International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, , 2018, vol. 9(4), pp. 363-380. JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
Journal article
NAKSHABANDI, M., S.JASIMUDDIN, "Knowledge-oriented leadership and open innovation: Role of knowledge management capability in France-based Multinationals", International Business Review, 2018, vol. 27, pp. 701-713 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
Journal article
SACI, F., S.JASIMUDDIN, "Does strategic partnership matter to create value of a firm? An empirical study based on SBF 250 French firms.", Research in International Business and Finance, 2018, vol. 46, pp. 65-76 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
Journal article