Publications | Kedge Authors | Type of publications |
ABDOUNE, R., S. BENTEBBAA, J.-É. PALARD - "Olympique lyonnais groupe 2018-2022 : Analyse économique et financière de l’unique club de football français coté en Bourse" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France | ABDOUNE Radouane BENTEBBAA Sara |
Case Study |
PALARD , J.-É., S. BENTEBBAA, R. ABDOUNE - "Évaluation financière de la société Naturex par une approche multicritère dans le cadre d’un investissement responsable" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France | ABDOUNE Radouane BENTEBBAA Sara |
Case Study |
ABDOUNE, R., S. BENTEBBAA, J.-É. PALARD - "Financial Analysis of Naturex: A Responsible Investment Perspective Using Multi-Criteria Methods" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France | ABDOUNE Radouane BENTEBBAA Sara |
Case Study |
LE PODER, L., L. LE PODER, I. DUCASSY - "L’incendie de Lubrizol en 2019 : Un jeu de simulation : une crise de communication entre parties prenantes sur fond de crise écologique" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France | LE PODER Laurence DUCASSY Isabelle |
Case Study |
BAUDOUX, M., I. DUCASSY - "Voltalia Croissance durable et défis d'une entreprise à mission dans les énergies renouvelables" - 2024, CCMP, Paris | BAUDOUX Marie DUCASSY Isabelle |
Case Study |
DUCASSY, I. - "Danone : estimer le coût moyen pondéré du capital" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France | DUCASSY Isabelle |
Case Study |
DANGLADE, J.-P. - "L'Open 13, un événement sportif international fortement ancré en local" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France | DANGLADE Jean-Philippe |
Case Study |
DANGLADE, J.-P. - "Service gagnant pour Work and Padel à la conquête du marché du padel" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France | DANGLADE Jean-Philippe |
Case Study |
GAZTELUMENDI, A., R. HUAMAN RAMIREZ, "Artistic Experience in the Context of Nonprofit Arts Organizations: Dimensions, Measurement, and Consequences", Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organization, 2024, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 736-757 | HUAMAN RAMIREZ Richard |
Journal article |
CHAILAN, C., D. MAZÉ, R. HUAMAN RAMIREZ, "The role of Chinese state-owned enterprises in Belt and Road Initiative-related projects: three cases from Africa", International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 2024 | HUAMAN RAMIREZ Richard |
Journal article |
BORRAZ, S., C. DUBREUIL, "I Don’t Feel Any Guilt: How Consumers Justify The Boundaries Of Their Ethical Green Consumption Practices", Advances in Consumer Research, 2024, vol. 51, pp. 548 | DUBREUIL Clement |
Journal article |
DANGLADE, J.-P., L. CANNING - "Morphée, a unique marketing strategy to deliver success in the wellness market" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France | DANGLADE Jean-Philippe CANNING Louise |
Case Study |
BRENNAN, R., L. CANNING, H. MCGRATH, Business to Business Marketing, Sage Publications, London, Great Britain, 2024 | CANNING Louise |
Book |
ANDRIANI, P., G. CATTANI, "Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Shadow Options: Emergent Functions of Corning’s Glass-Based Innovations", Organization Science, 2024, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 1957-2332 | ANDRIANI Pierpaolo |
Journal article |
MCGRATH, H., T. O'TOOLE, L. CANNING, "Strategizing in networks: the ambivalent entrepreneur", Industrial Marketing Management, 2024, vol. 123, pp. 76-87 | CANNING Louise |
Journal article |
DESPLEBIN, O., G. LUX, N. PETIT, "Inclusion of blockchain in university accounting curricula: an overview of practices and strategies", Accounting Education, 2024 | PETIT Nicolas |
Journal article |
SANNAJUST, A., A. GROH, J. PROELSS, D. SCHWEIZER, "Venture Capital Firms’ SPAC Exits" in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Private Equity., Douglas Cumming, Benjamin Hammer Eds, Palgrave Macmillan Cham, vol. 196, chap. 182, 2024 | SANNAJUST Aurélie |
Book chapter |
BILLON, D. - "Craquer » ou pas pour une Tesla ? : une expérience d'achat atypique, un parcours client innovant" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France | BILLON Dominique |
Case Study |
BALLY, F., C. GAUTHIER, P. BAUDIER, "The role of information attainment on Front-of-Package labels and individual empowerment impacting boycott behavior" Forthcoming International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising | BALLY Frédéric |
Journal article |
BALLY, F., "Une évolution des jardins collectifs vers des fonctions de production et d'expérimentation: Exemple des jardins partagés lyonnais", Développement Durable et Territoires, 2024, vol. 15, no. 1 | BALLY Frédéric |
Journal article |
CAROLINA O.C. WERLE, C., C. GAUTHIER, A. AMANDA P. YAMIM, F. BALLY, "How a food scanner app influences healthy food choice", Appetite, 2024, vol. 200, pp. 107571 | BALLY Frédéric |
Journal article |
BEN LARBI, S., E. EBONDO WA MANDZILA, J. MENIAOUI, E. TAPIA-MOORE, "The influence of auditor and auditee on mandatory audit fees in France", GECONTEC Revista Internacional de GestiĂłn del Conocimiento y la TecnologĂa, 2024, vol. 12(1), pp. 77-102 | TAPIA MOORE Ernesto EBONDO WA MANDZILA Eustache |
Journal article |
D'ANTONE, S., F. CRESPIN MAZET, K. GOGLIO, G. FUSCHILLO, "Resilience capabilities of emerging social collectives: against persistent adversities to benefit their territories" Forthcoming Management Decision | FUSCHILLO Gregorio D'ANTONE Simona CRESPIN MAZET Florence GOGLIO Karine |
Journal article |
BAWACK, R. E., E. BONHOURE, S. MALLEK, "Why would consumers risk taking purchase recommendations from voice assistants?", Information Technology and People, 2024 | BONHOURE BAWACK Emilie |
Journal article |
GUIZANI, A., F. LAKHAL, E. BONHOURE, K. GHOZZI, "Green wealth, green responsibility: How does natural capital influence corporate environmental practices?", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, vol. 472, pp. 143511 | BONHOURE BAWACK Emilie |
Journal article |
KOUKI, C., J. ARTS, M. Z. BABAI, "Performance evaluation of a two-echelon inventory system with network lost sales", European Journal of Operational Research, 2024, vol. 314, no. 2, pp. 647-664 | BABAI Mohamed Zied |
Journal article |
WANG, M., M. AMIRI AREF, W. KLIBI, M. Z. BABAI, "Global multi-sourcing network design with inventory planning under uncertainty", International Journal of Production Research, 2024, vol. 62, no. 21, pp. 7660–7686 | KLIBI Walid BABAI Mohamed Zied AMIRI AREF Mehdi |
Journal article |
SERVAJEAN-HILST, R., "Réussir à travailler avec des start-ups quand on est une organisation établie, publique comme privée, est de plus en plus nécessaire pour pouvoir répondre efficacement aux opportunités" in Rapport de l'Observatoire des relations entre stat-ups et grands comptes., Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de la souveraineté industrielle et numérique Eds, Médiateur des entreprises, pp. 77-79, 2024 | SERVAJEAN-HILST Romaric |
Book chapter |
STAHL, G. K., E. AKKAN, B. S. REICHE, A. HAJRO, M. ZELLMER-BRUHN, M. LAZAROVA, N. F. RICHTER, D. V. CAPRAR, J. ZIKIC, I. BJĂ–RKMAN, C. BREWSTER, J.-L. CERDIN, C. C. CLEGG, E. DAVOINE, A. KOVESHNIKOV, W. MAYRHOFER, L. ZANDER, "Linking institutional context to the community and career embeddedness of skilled migrants: The role of destination- and origin-country identifications.", Journal of International Business Studies, 2024 | AKKAN Eren |
Journal article |