
2475 results


Publications Kedge Authors Type of publications
ABDOUNE, R., S. BENTEBBAA, J.-É. PALARD - "Olympique lyonnais groupe 2018-2022 : Analyse économique et financière de l’unique club de football français coté en Bourse" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France ABDOUNE Radouane
Case Study
PALARD , J.-É., S. BENTEBBAA, R. ABDOUNE - "Évaluation financière de la société Naturex par une approche multicritère dans le cadre d’un investissement responsable" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France ABDOUNE Radouane
Case Study
ABDOUNE, R., S. BENTEBBAA, J.-É. PALARD - "Financial Analysis of Naturex: A Responsible Investment Perspective Using Multi-Criteria Methods" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France ABDOUNE Radouane
Case Study
LE PODER, L., L. LE PODER, I. DUCASSY - "L’incendie de Lubrizol en 2019 : Un jeu de simulation : une crise de communication entre parties prenantes sur fond de crise écologique" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France LE PODER Laurence
DUCASSY Isabelle
Case Study
BAUDOUX, M., I. DUCASSY - "Voltalia Croissance durable et défis d'une entreprise à mission dans les énergies renouvelables" - 2024, CCMP, Paris BAUDOUX Marie
DUCASSY Isabelle
Case Study
DUCASSY, I. - "Danone : estimer le coût moyen pondéré du capital" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France DUCASSY Isabelle
Case Study
DANGLADE, J.-P. - "L'Open 13, un événement sportif international fortement ancré en local" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France DANGLADE Jean-Philippe
Case Study
DANGLADE, J.-P. - "Service gagnant pour Work and Padel à la conquête du marché du padel" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France DANGLADE Jean-Philippe
Case Study
GAZTELUMENDI, A., R. HUAMAN RAMIREZ, "Artistic Experience in the Context of Nonprofit Arts Organizations: Dimensions, Measurement, and Consequences", Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organization, 2024, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 736-757 HUAMAN RAMIREZ Richard
Journal article
CHAILAN, C., D. MAZÉ, R. HUAMAN RAMIREZ, "The role of Chinese state-owned enterprises in Belt and Road Initiative-related projects: three cases from Africa", International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 2024 HUAMAN RAMIREZ Richard
Journal article
BORRAZ, S., C. DUBREUIL, "I Don’t Feel Any Guilt: How Consumers Justify The Boundaries Of Their Ethical Green Consumption Practices", Advances in Consumer Research, 2024, vol. 51, pp. 548 DUBREUIL Clement
Journal article
DANGLADE, J.-P., L. CANNING - "Morphée, a unique marketing strategy to deliver success in the wellness market" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France DANGLADE Jean-Philippe
Case Study
BRENNAN, R., L. CANNING, H. MCGRATH, Business to Business Marketing, Sage Publications, London, Great Britain, 2024 CANNING Louise
ANDRIANI, P., G. CATTANI, "Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Shadow Options: Emergent Functions of Corning’s Glass-Based Innovations", Organization Science, 2024, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 1957-2332 ANDRIANI Pierpaolo
Journal article
MCGRATH, H., T. O'TOOLE, L. CANNING, "Strategizing in networks: the ambivalent entrepreneur", Industrial Marketing Management, 2024, vol. 123, pp. 76-87 CANNING Louise
Journal article
DESPLEBIN, O., G. LUX, N. PETIT, "Inclusion of blockchain in university accounting curricula: an overview of practices and strategies", Accounting Education, 2024 PETIT Nicolas
Journal article
SANNAJUST, A., A. GROH, J. PROELSS, D. SCHWEIZER, "Venture Capital Firms’ SPAC Exits" in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Private Equity., Douglas Cumming, Benjamin Hammer Eds, Palgrave Macmillan Cham, vol. 196, chap. 182, 2024 SANNAJUST Aurélie
Book chapter
BILLON, D. - "Craquer » ou pas pour une Tesla ? : une expérience d'achat atypique, un parcours client innovant" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France BILLON Dominique
Case Study
BALLY, F., C. GAUTHIER, P. BAUDIER, "The role of information attainment on Front-of-Package labels and individual empowerment impacting boycott behavior" Forthcoming International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising BALLY Frédéric
Journal article
BALLY, F., "Une évolution des jardins collectifs vers des fonctions de production et d'expérimentation: Exemple des jardins partagés lyonnais", Développement Durable et Territoires, 2024, vol. 15, no. 1 BALLY Frédéric
Journal article
CAROLINA O.C. WERLE, C., C. GAUTHIER, A. AMANDA P. YAMIM, F. BALLY, "How a food scanner app influences healthy food choice", Appetite, 2024, vol. 200, pp. 107571 BALLY Frédéric
Journal article
BEN LARBI, S., E. EBONDO WA MANDZILA, J. MENIAOUI, E. TAPIA-MOORE, "The influence of auditor and auditee on mandatory audit fees in France", GECONTEC Revista Internacional de GestiĂłn del Conocimiento y la TecnologĂ­a, 2024, vol. 12(1), pp. 77-102 TAPIA MOORE Ernesto
Journal article
D'ANTONE, S., F. CRESPIN MAZET, K. GOGLIO, G. FUSCHILLO, "Resilience capabilities of emerging social collectives: against persistent adversities to benefit their territories" Forthcoming Management Decision FUSCHILLO Gregorio
Journal article
BAWACK, R. E., E. BONHOURE, S. MALLEK, "Why would consumers risk taking purchase recommendations from voice assistants?", Information Technology and People, 2024 BONHOURE BAWACK Emilie
Journal article
GUIZANI, A., F. LAKHAL, E. BONHOURE, K. GHOZZI, "Green wealth, green responsibility: How does natural capital influence corporate environmental practices?", Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, vol. 472, pp. 143511 BONHOURE BAWACK Emilie
Journal article
KOUKI, C., J. ARTS, M. Z. BABAI, "Performance evaluation of a two-echelon inventory system with network lost sales", European Journal of Operational Research, 2024, vol. 314, no. 2, pp. 647-664 BABAI Mohamed Zied
Journal article
WANG, M., M. AMIRI AREF, W. KLIBI, M. Z. BABAI, "Global multi-sourcing network design with inventory planning under uncertainty", International Journal of Production Research, 2024, vol. 62, no. 21, pp. 7660–7686 KLIBI Walid
BABAI Mohamed Zied
Journal article
SERVAJEAN-HILST, R., "Réussir à travailler avec des start-ups quand on est une organisation établie, publique comme privée, est de plus en plus nécessaire pour pouvoir répondre efficacement aux opportunités" in Rapport de l'Observatoire des relations entre stat-ups et grands comptes., Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de la souveraineté industrielle et numérique Eds, Médiateur des entreprises, pp. 77-79, 2024 SERVAJEAN-HILST Romaric
Book chapter
STAHL, G. K., E. AKKAN, B. S. REICHE, A. HAJRO, M. ZELLMER-BRUHN, M. LAZAROVA, N. F. RICHTER, D. V. CAPRAR, J. ZIKIC, I. BJĂ–RKMAN, C. BREWSTER, J.-L. CERDIN, C. C. CLEGG, E. DAVOINE, A. KOVESHNIKOV, W. MAYRHOFER, L. ZANDER, "Linking institutional context to the community and career embeddedness of skilled migrants: The role of destination- and origin-country identifications.", Journal of International Business Studies, 2024 AKKAN Eren
Journal article