
2478 results


Publications Kedge Authors Type of publications
RYE, T., R. HRELJA, J. MONIOS, C. MCTIGUE, "Partnership or franchising to improve bus services in two major English urban regions? An institutional analysis", Transport Policy, 2021, vol. 114, pp. 59-67 MONIOS Jason
Journal article
MONIOS, J., G. WILMSMEIER, "Deep adaptation and collapsology" in Knowledge for the Anthropocene; A Multidisciplinary Approach., F. J. Carrillo, G. Koch. Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 145-156, 2021 MONIOS Jason
Book chapter
MONIOS, J., A. K. Y. NG, "Competing institutional logics and institutional erosion in environmental governance of maritime transport", Journal of Transport Geography, 2021, vol. 94, pp. 103114 MONIOS Jason
Journal article
BERGQVIST, R., J. MONIOS, "Drivers for migration of an intermodal network hub from a port to an inland terminal", Journal of Transport Geography, 2021, vol. 91, pp. 102981 MONIOS Jason
Journal article
WILMSMEIER, G., J. MONIOS, "Dry ports" in International Encyclopedia of Transportation., R. Vickerman, R. B. Noland, D. Ettema Eds, Elsevier, pp. 344-348., 2021 MONIOS Jason
Book chapter
WILMSMEIER, G., J. MONIOS, A. F. BALLÉN FARFÁN, "Port system evolution in Guayaquil, Ecuador – migration, location splitting or specialisation?", Journal of Transport Geography, 2021, vol. 93, pp. 103042 MONIOS Jason
Journal article
HE, P., C. JIANG, Z. XU, C. SHEN, "Knowledge Hiding: Current Research Status and Future Research Directions", Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, vol. 12, pp. 748237 JIANG Cuiling
Journal article
ZHAO, H., Q. ZHOU, P. HE, C. JIANG, "How and When Does Socially Responsible HRM Affect Employees’ Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Toward the Environment?", Journal of Business Ethics, 2021, vol. 169, pp. 371-385 JIANG Cuiling
Journal article
RANDRIANARISOA, L., A. ZHANG, H. YANG, A. YUEN, W. CHEUNG, "How ‘belt’ and ‘road’ are related economically: modelling and policy implications", Maritime Policy & Management, 2021, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 432-460 RANDRIANARISOA Laingo
Journal article
LACAN, A., "Passer de la mesure à la régulation, dans les pas de François Silva" in Mélanges en l'honneur de François Silva, une vision postmoderne du management., Management & Prospectives Edition Ed., Management & Prospective Edition, pp. 104-105, 2021 LACAN Arnaud
Book chapter
LACAN, A., "Think tank—From the liberated to a liberating company: The cruciality of managerial transformation", Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 2021, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 6-18 LACAN Arnaud
Journal article
LACAN, A., A la reconquĂȘte du travail durable, Les Petits Matins, Paris, France, 2021 LACAN Arnaud
LUCARELLI, A., G. FUSCHILLO, Z. ZUZANA CHYTKOVA, "How cyber political brands emerge: a socio-material analysis of the Italian Five Star Movement and the Czech Pirate Party", European Journal of Marketing, 2021, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 1130-1154 FUSCHILLO Gregorio
Journal article
BERTILSSON JON, J., A. LUCARELLI, G. FUSCHILLO, "Movement Parties as Brand Platforms: The Case of the 5 Star Movement" in Political Branding in Turbulent times., Mona Moufahim Ed., Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 103-121, 2021 FUSCHILLO Gregorio
Book chapter
ZHANG, Y., J. HUI, Q. QIN, Y. SUN, T. ZHANG, H. SUN, M. LI, "Transfer-learning-based approach for leaf chlorophyll content estimation of winter wheat from hyperspectral data", Remote Sensing of Environment, December 2021, vol. 267, pp. 112724 ZHANG Tianyuan
Journal article
QIN, Q., Z. WU, T. ZHANG, V. SAGAN, Z. ZHANG, Y. ZHANG, C. ZHANG, H. REN, Y. SUN, W. XU, C. ZHAO, "Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing for Monitoring Agricultural Drought", Remote Sensing, December 2021, vol. 13, no. 24, pp. 5092 ZHANG Tianyuan
Journal article
MURTAZA, G., O. ROQUES, Q.-U.-A. TALPUR, R. KHAN, "Religious beliefs as a moderator of the relationships between workplace incivility and counterproductive work behaviours", Human Systems Management, 2021, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 813-823 MURTAZA Ghulam
Journal article
MURTAZA, G., M. MOUSA, O. ROQUES, "Understanding the role of self-efficacy in moderating work-family interface and emotional exhaustion", Human Systems Management, 2021, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 353–364 MURTAZA Ghulam
Journal article
KHAN, R., J.-P. NEVEU, G. MURTAZA, "Is Grit Hurting You? The Dark Side of Psychological Resources in Goal Pursuit", Applied Psychology: An International Review, 2021, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 1323-1344 MURTAZA Ghulam
Journal article
HOLLANDTS, X., N. AUBERT, "Les administrateurs salariĂ©s : un levier du dialogue social au cƓur de la gouvernance des entreprises" in Le dialogue social : l’avĂšnement d’un modĂšle., F. Gea & A. Stevenot Ed., Bruylant, pp. 365-378, 2021 HOLLANDTS Xavier
Book chapter
CÉCILE CEZANNE, C., X. HOLLANDTS, "Employee Participation in Corporate Governance: What Impact on the Performance and Cash Distribution Policy in the SBF 120 (2000‑2014)?", Economie et Statistique, 2021, no. 528-529, pp. 85-107 HOLLANDTS Xavier
Journal article
Journal article
HOLLANDTS, X., Gouverner les coopératives agricoles, Quae, Paris, 2021 HOLLANDTS Xavier