
2478 results


Publications Kedge Authors Type of publications
RAHMAN, S., Z. ISLAM, M. HOSSAIN, D. A. ABDULLAH, S. JASIMUDDIN, "Organizational factors, ICT support and affective commitment: The case of Bangladesh-based service organizations", Journal of Global Information Management, 2022, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 1-18 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
Journal article
RAHMAN, S., M. HOSSAIN, Z. ISLAM, S. JASIMUDDIN, "Linkage between culture, leadership, and knowledge sharing in MNCs: The moderating role of training and development", Journal of Global Information Management, 2022, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 1-21 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
Journal article
NAKSHABANDI, M., S. JASIMUDDIN, "The linkage between open innovation, absorptive capacity and managerial ties: A cross-country perspective", Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 2022, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 100167 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
Journal article
SACI , F., S. JASIMUDDIN, M. HASAN, "Performance of Socially Responsible Investment Funds in China: A Comparison with Traditional Funds", Sustainability, 2022, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 1476 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
Journal article
JASIMUDDIN, S., F. SACI , "Creating a culture to avoid knowledge hiding within an organization: The role of management support.", Frontiers in Psychology, 2022, vol. 13, pp. 850989 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
Journal article
SRIVASTAVA, P., S. JASIMUDDIN, Z. ZHANG, P. EACHEMPATI, S. TRIVEDI , "The response of the scientific community to a global crisis: a systematic review of COVID-19 research in 2020", British Journal of Healthcare Management,, 2022, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 1-8 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
Journal article
XIA, H., T. WANG, T. WAN, Z. ZHANG, S. JASIMUDDIN, J. WENG, "Peer-to-peer lending platform risk analysis: an early warning model based on multi-dimensional information", Journal of Risk Finance, 2022, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 303-323 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
Journal article
ZHANG, B., G. PENG, C. LIU,, Z. ZHANG, S. JASIMUDDIN, "Adaptation Behavior in Using One-Stop Smart Governance Apps: An Exploratory Study Between Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives", Electronic Markets, 2022, vol. 32, pp. 1971-1991 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
Journal article
XIA, H., P. YE, S. JASIMUDDIN, Z. ZHANG, "Evolution of Digital Transformation in Traditional Enterprises: Evidence from China", Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 2022 JASIMUDDIN Sajjad
Journal article
BOUSQUET, F., V. BARBAT, F. COOREN, "The difficult integration of liminal individuals", M@n@gement, 2022, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 31-44 BARBAT Valérie
Journal article
METIVIER, J., E. BEKKERS, M. BACCHETTA, L. IUNIUS, E. TRESA, A. N. YILMAZ, "The decarbonization of international trade" in World Trade Report 2022 - Climate change and international trade., Ed., WTO (World Trade Organization), chap. D, pp. 78-98, 2022 METIVIER Jeanne
Book chapter
BOUCHERY, Y., L. BELGOUZIA, J.-L. CARRASCO, W. KLIBI, O. LABARTHE, J. LEVEQUE, G. STAUFFER, "Logistique du dernier kilomètre : à Bordeaux, on livre en vélos cargos" in Mobilités décarbonées. Un défi global., Cerema Ed., CEREMA, chap. 10, pp. 117-120, 2022 LABARTHE Olivier
Book chapter
VOLPERT, J., G. MICHEL, "Brand resurrections: How past and present narrations impact consumer reactions towards resurrected utilitarian brands", Journal of Business Research, 2022, vol. 153, pp. 479-493 VOLPERT Johanna
Journal article
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Investing in undervalued stocks: The case of electrical equipment companies" - 2022, CCMP ELASRI Karim
Case Study
CHATMI, A., K. ELASRI - "Honda motos : Analyse stratégique du positionnement international" - 2022, CCMP ELASRI Karim
Case Study
DE SURREL DE SAINT JULIEN, O., C. GRENIER, S. PAIXAO BARRADAS, "Se familiariser avec la démarche d’absorption de la nouveauté : le rôle d’un atelier participatif dédié à des entrepreneurs de TPE", Management & Avenir, 2022, vol. 6, no. 132, pp. 155-176 DE SURREL DE SAINT JULIEN Odile
Journal article
KUMAR, M., M. PULLMAN, T. BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA, V. SANCHEZ RODRIGUES, "The Role of the Hub-firm in Developing Innovation Capabilities: Considering the French Wine Industry Cluster from a Resource Orchestration Lens", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2022, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 526-551 BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA Tatiana
Journal article
LAMOUREUX, C., T. BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA, N. BARBIER, "Managing Wine Tourism and Biodiversity: The Art of Ambidexterity for Sustainability", Sustainability, 2022, vol. 14, no. 22, pp. 1-18 BOUZDINE-CHAMEEVA Tatiana
Journal article
PREVOT, F., G. GUALLINO, I. DUCASSY - "Bataille royale dans le monde des jeux vidéo" - 2022, CCMP DUCASSY Isabelle
PREVOT Frédéric
Case Study
DUCASSY, I., G. GUALLINO, F. PREVOT - "Battle Royale in the Video Game Industry" - 2022, CCMP DUCASSY Isabelle
PREVOT Frédéric
Case Study
WINCKLER, N., A. ZEN, F. PREVOT, "Firm resources for internationalization of SMEs from emerging countries: a multimethod study", Revsita de Administração Makenzie, 2022, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1-31 PREVOT Frédéric
Journal article
FEDI, L., P. CARIOU, J. MONIOS, "The French port system: forty years of port governance reforms" in Regulation and Finance in the Port Industry: Lessons from Worldwide experiences., Palgrave Macmillan, Cham Eds, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 187-210, 2022 MONIOS Jason
FEDI Laurent
Book chapter
RIGOT-MULLER, P., A. CHEAITOU, L. ETIENNE, O. FAURY, L. FEDI, "The role of polarseaworthiness in shipping planning for infrastructure projects in the Arctic: the case of Yamal LNG plant,", Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2022, vol. 155, pp. 330-353 FEDI Laurent
Journal article
CHEAITOU, A., O. FAURY, L. ETIENNE, L. FEDI, P. RIGOT-MULLER, S. STEPHENSON, "Impact of CO2 emission taxation and fuel types on Arctic shipping attractiveness", Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2022, vol. 112, pp. 103491 FEDI Laurent
Journal article
FEDI, L., O. FAURY, P. RIGOT-MULLER, N. MONTIER , "COVID-19 as a catalyst of a new container port hierarchy in Mediterranean Sea and Northern Range", Maritime Economics & Logistics, 2022, vol. 24, pp. 747-777 FEDI Laurent
Journal article
LAVISSIÈRE, M. C., L. FEDI, "Maritime Cooperative Working Agreements: towards variability or standardization?", Journal of Professional and Scientific Communication - FACHSPRACHE , 2022, vol. XLIV (3-4), pp. 130-147 FEDI Laurent
Journal article
BATTAIA, O., A. DOLGUI, "Hybridizations in line balancing problems: A comprehensive review on new trends and formulations", International Journal of Production Economics, 2022, vol. 250, pp. 108673 BATTAIA Olga
Journal article
KANDIL, N., R. HAMMAMI, O. BATTAIA, "Insourcing versus outsourcing decision under environmental considerations and different contract arrangements", International Journal of Production Economics, 2022, vol. 253, pp. 108589 BATTAIA Olga
Journal article
KOUASSI, E., J.-P. TCHANKAM, O. AKINKUGBE, J. M. B. BOSSON, "Is the intergenerational transmission of poverty a fallacy? Evidence from Botswana survey data", Journal of International Development, 2022, vol. 34, no. 8, pp. 1476-1495 TCHANKAM Jean-Paul
Journal article