KEDGE Arts School has a Creative Industries & Culture research centre. The Research Centre produces and transmits knowledge in cultural and creative industries management. A team of 10 researchers is invested in the centere publishing academic articles each year as well as articles in professional journals or in the press.
Main research topics:
- Strategic management of cultural and creative organisations;
- Marketing and Consumer Behaviour in arts, culture and creative industries;
- Creative careers;
- Design management;
- Creative regions, Creative tourism;
- Organisational creativity, liberated companies;
- Social innovation.
Anne GOMBAULT - Management
KEDGE Arts School Director
Arts, Heritage, Creative Industries, Creative Regions
Maud DERBAIX - Marketing
Creative Industries and Culture Research Centre Director
Marek PROKUPEK - Management
Arts management, cultural economics, art finance and art market
Valentina MONTALTO- Economy
Cultural policy, Cultural economy
Vinca BIGO - Management
Spirituality, yoga, liberated company
Nacima OURAHMOUNE – Marketing
Luxury marketing, consumer culture theory, gender studies
Jean-Philippe DANGLADE – Marketing
Entertainment, Sport
Claire GRELLIER FOUILLET - Management (Doctoral student)
Entrepreneuriat, Innovation, Tourisme
From prestigious arts institutions to small dynamic creative firms, the programme gathers a lot of partners from the arts, culture and creative industries.
The meeting between students and the sector is organised in particular through Masterclasses. These unique sessions feature outstanding guests who share their vision, trajectories, experiences and advice in an interactive format.
Since its creation, the programme has hosted inspiring speakers from across the creative industries, including Olivier Widmaeir Picasso, Sophie Makariou, Daft Punk collaborator DJ Falcon, Frederic Beigbeder, Jean-Charles De Castelbajac, Franck Annese, and the young Iranian boxer Safa Khadem.
See Sophie Makariou's masterclass: