After the CEFDG (Ministry of Higher Education and Research) assessment in March 2022, KEDGE received a positive advice:
- To keep delivering the Grande Ecole Programme (PGE) diploma (Bac+5, level 7), certified for the next 5 years as of the 1st of September 2022, on the Bordeaux and Marseille campuses.
- To renew the KEDGE Bachelor visa (Bac+3, level 6), for the next 4 years as of the 1st of September 2022, on the Bordeaux, Marseille, Avignon, Bastia, Bayonne, Dakar and Toulon campuses.
The strengths of KEDGE's training programmes highlighted
- A cutting-edge faculty favouring learning via action, by relying on educational innovation and the historical know-how of the School.
- A strong emphasis on professionalisation and career orientation.
- An efficient articulation of the PGE teachings around the School's research expertise, especially via the Case Lab and Thesis Lab.
- Highly topical course contents (inclusiveness, climate transition, digital impact), coupled to a strong support of related student initiatives, via the incubators.
- An access to the programmes both via continuous training and VAE, granting access to different populations.
- A socially inclusive policy implemented in the programme, with a CROUS scholarships rate nearing the 20% and a substantial internal scholarships policy.
- A true commitment to the development of all collaborators' skills and the students' follow-up (via an observatory).
- Close links with local actors on the different sites and a strong territorial presence.
What are the advantages of certified diplomas?
Beyond national diplomas (BTS, BUT...), some diplomas, from Bac+3 to Bac+5, can be subject to a voluntary visa request to the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
The visa is a recognition granted after a very scrupulous review of the multiple components of the training programmes. The diplomas are thus recognised internationally and by companies and attest to a high level of academic and operational quality.
Certified by the French State, KEDGE's diplomas give access to the LMD cycle (Licence, Master, Doctorate) in France and abroad. They give students pursuing further studies or double degrees the possibility of studying in the best foreign universities.
All of KEDGE's post-bac programmes and the Grande Ecole Programme are certified, guaranteeing the high quality of their courses.