Discover the KEDGE Business School QS ranking for 2019. Three MSc found a good place in the ranking.
Management: +6 places for the MSc International Business
Ranked 7th among the French Masters, it gains 6 places compared to the previous ranking. The MSc International Business covers all management disciplines, with a systematic reference to major global and geopolitical issues. It enables students to develop the skills required to compete in a globalized economy.
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Finance: +8 places for MSc Corporate & Sustainable Finance
Ranked 7th among the French Masters, it gains 8 places compared to the previous ranking. The MSc Corporate & Sustainable Finance trains professionals to acquire a double expertise, in finance and and extra-financial subjects, which are keys in the evolution of the professions in Finance.
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Marketing: New for this 2019 edition
The MSc Marketing & Brand Management directly promoted 4th best French Master. The MSc Marketing has been designed by a team of research professors belonging to the most recognized Research Center on a European level and by companies also involved in the co-creation of the programme. It gives access to 80% of the marketing professions, thanks to its structure combining a common core and different business and sectors options.
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