Le Figaro ?tudiant ranking 2024: KEDGE Business School 8th best French business school

KEDGE Business School is consolidating its strong business momentum. The Figaro ?tudiant rankings, published on Monday 27 November 2023, keep the school's Programme Grande ?cole in 8th place. This position has already been achieved in recent rankings by Challenges, Le Point and Le Parisien. This success is closely linked to the introduction of the Grow by Doing? approach in September 2022, which aims to expose students to a differentiating teaching method based on hands-on experience.

The Figaro rankings, a benchmark in the world of France's leading business schools, confirm the quality of KEDGE's Programme Grande École. KEDGE is one of  the 23 French management schools that recruit students on the basis of a competitive entrance examination after a preparatory class and that awards a Master's degree.

Academic excellence and employability.

The academic level, the international outlook, the high proportion of professors with a PhD abroad, employment and the professional success of graduates were among the ranking criteria. These are some of the aspects that have been worked on as part of the PGE's educational signature, Grow by doing® which has been built around a logic of learning by doing, where the student is a key player in his or her training and career within an international context.  

KEDGE's junior companies in the spotlight

Students benefit from the integration of a number of new courses, including public speaking, with an eloquence competition starting at the end of the 1st year.  In addition, the growing number of 'signature' courses aims to involve students in specific actions that have an impact, teach them to think differently, enrich their career paths and increase their employability. These include "The dark side of management sciences", which address the darker side of management sciences, and "Penser 2050", which address a forward-looking topic.

The dynamism of the school's junior companies was also recognised in the Figaro rankings. AMS Conseil and Marketing Méditerranée have been among the 30 winners of the Confédération nationale des junior-entreprises for several years now, and each has a large network of over 50,000 contacts on Linkedln.

World-class professors

Last but not least, the quality of publications of the teaching and research staff and their recent performance in the Shanghai rankings (1st Business School in the Business Administration category) contribute to KEDGE's top positions in recent rankings. The world-class professors, graduates of excellent universities, carry out active research work with an ever-increasing number of publications. The work of KEDGE professors is a cornerstone of the school's academic excellence.

"True to its promise to be an original, sustainable and inclusive school, KEDGE prepares its students to make an impact, today for tomorrow. This is what our Programme Grande École  is all about, helping our students to become leaders capable of making a difference in a rapidly changing society.

With this in mind, we are changing the way we select our future students, by offering a different format for our next oral exams. This will enable us to assess candidates' potential to flourish within the Programme Grande École and their fit with the school's values and commitments in terms of sustainable development", says Alexandre de Navailles, KEDGE Managing Director.

Le « Révélateur » : KEDGE innovates for its 2024 oral exams

In order to optimise the profiles and the quality of exchanges with eligible post-prepa and AST students, KEDGE is innovating by proposing a new way of conducting its personality and motivation interviews called "Le Révélateur".

KEDGE BS is replacing the old questionnaire with a pack of cards that incorporates the 17 SDGs and the Grow by doing® pedagogical signature.

The aim is to better assess candidates' potential to develop within the Programme Grande École and assess whether they are in line with the school's values and commitments in terms of sustainable development. Using this card game, one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will form the backdrop of the interview, providing an opportunity to introduce and discuss different aspects of their personality and motivations.

The 30-minute format in front of two examiners and the way to prepare remains unchanged.

Discover the Programme Grande École