Launch of a new MSc in Corporate & Sustainable Finance in September 2018

The MSc in Corporate & Sustainable Finance, which is part of the "Finance Reconsidered¡± centre of expertise, trains professionals with a perfect understanding of this field and both the financial and extra-financial expertise that is becoming indispensable as careers in finance evolve.

Finance is a tool that must serve the economy and social relations. “Enrolling in the MSc in Corporate & Sustainable Finance programme means learning about finance as it is today and as it will be tomorrow through a differentiated, innovative approach. All the training tracks in this MSc include courses and lectures that address investor accountability and the inclusion of extra-financial performance and impact factors in investing”, explains Christophe Revelli, Head of the MSc Finance at KEDGE.

Practical informations:
•    Admission level: Bachelor's degree (4 or 5 years)
•    Duration: 18 or 30 months
•    Degree: Master of Science
•    Campus: Marseille, Paris
•    Full time in English
•    Approved by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles
Discover the programme
About the Finance Reconsidered Centre of Expertise:

Under the direction of Prof. Bernard Paranque, the Finance Reconsidered research centre focuses on issues of alternative finance and solidarity economy, in particular cooperative organisations, social entrepreneurship and new development models that are in high demand in emerging markets. The research is organised around management disciplines based on three founding themes:

  • Finance reconsidered: market finance and corporate finance as well as SRI and ethical finance (including Islamic finance), led by the AG2R LA MONDIALE Chair "Finance Reconsidered: Investment - Solidarity - Responsibility";
  • Alternative economy based on solidarity and cooperative economy themes, common guiding principles and territories, etc. and developed in cooperation with LEST (Institute of Labour Economics and Industrial Sociology, a local university research institute) and ESIA (agency for employment finance) as part of a joint seminar entitled “Territory, Cooperation and the Common Good”;
  • Challenges to development: geopolitical and geo-economic, education, training, entrepreneurship (including microfinance, micro-insurance and social entrepreneurship), youth, growth models and their financing.

Several members of the centre are researchers with worldwide recognition, as demonstrated by their editorial board memberships and regular publications in highly-recognised journals. Professor T. Lagoarde-Segot is Editor-in-Chief of the Research in International Business and Finance journal, and Prof. C. Revelli and B. Paranque are editorial board members. The journal is associated with various national and international academic networks (INFINITI, ISCEF, AFFI, AFEP).

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