EQUIS accreditation renewed for KEDGE Business School

KEDGE Business School has obtained for the second time since 2017, the renewal of its EQUIS accreditation (EFMD Quality Improvement System) for the maximum duration of 5 years.

The EQUIS accreditation rewards the quality and professional relevance of the school’s training and research in a dynamic of excellence. Experiential learning, excellent management of financial resources and a student-centric approach are some of the strengths recognised by the auditors. 

KEDGE, a triple-accredited business school.

 EFMD evaluates business schools against the highest international standards. It measures governance, programme portfolio, students, faculty, research, internationalisation, ethics, responsibility and sustainability as well as engagement with the world of practice. With the renewal of this label of excellence, KEDGE confirms its place,  acquired in 2017,  as one of the select 1% of international business schools that are triple accredited by the most renowned international labels: :  (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), EQUIS,  (Association of MBA).

"The renewal of the EQUIS accreditation for the maximum duration of 5 years is the recognition of the quality of work provided by each and every one of you, and reinforces our ambitions as set out in our KEDGE 25 strategic plan. This renewal is a tremendous source of satisfaction and motivation to continue to promote a management culture focused on internationalisation, ethics, responsibility and sustainability, as well as engagement with the practical world. It highlights the excellence of the academic and pedagogical levels of our school to continue to be attractive in France and internationally ", says Alexandre de Navailles, Managing Director of KEDGE Business School.

KEDGE values recognised

The EQUIS auditors praised, among others, the following points which particularly reflect the values of the school:

  • Experiential learning, fuelled by strong links to practical learning.
  • Innovative measures to stimulate students' personal development, including the Be-U approach to support students in developing their soft skills, working on their employability, and practical learning.
  • The management of financial resources which provide a solid foundation for the future development of the school.
  •  A well-recognised student-centric approach, an asset for the School and in particular for executive education.