Conference : The Sustainable finance research forum Paris 2023

After the great success of its first edition, the second edition of the "Sustainable Finance research Forum Paris 2023" took place on 15 December 2023 within the grounds of KEDGE Paris.
Sustainable finance has tremendously transformed ways financial issues are addressed and treated in practice by financial professionals. The conference co-organised by the French Finance Association (AFFI), ESKA Publishing, the Journal "Bankers Markets Investors" and KEDGE Business School seeks papers of applied research covering both questions and possible answers to all relevant issues from a corporate, intermediary and investor point of view.

Conference : The 2nd edition of The Sustainable  finance research forum - Paris 2023

The “Entretiens de la Finance Durable” is a conference where professionals and academics express their views during panels dedicated to corporates, intermediaries and investors. 

The annual event  took place on Friday 15 December , 2023 in Paris at KEDGE campus. The  conference was a rich mixture of lectures, round tables and debates on a wide range of timely and enduring topics.


  • Introduction by , KEDGE Managing Director
  • Opening speech executed by , Chairman of the French Association of Institutional Investors (Af2i)
  • Round table on sustainable development about "Extra-financial reporting: ambitions and realities'
  • Round table on the development of sustainable financial intermediaries on  "How do customers feel about financial and extra-financial issues?
  • Round table on responsible investment with institutional investors on the theme: "How can investors integrate climate risks?
  • Presentation by Sébastien Pouget, Research Director in Toulouse School of Economics entitled «Carbon premium in bond markets»
  • Academic presentations organised by Philippe Bertrand and Luis Reyes on the following topics : Risk & Uncertainty, Macro issues, Portolio, Social Responsibility, Bonds, Investor Preferences, Environmental Engagement, Politics & Gender.
  • Closing ceremony


  • Encourage dialogue between professionals and academic researchers on sustainable finance issues.
  • Help decision makers meet the challenges of climate change, social change and governance.
  • Address sustainable finance issues by high-level experts who will take stock of the most recent issues and research with the view to their implementation
  • Highlight possible future and more sustainable financial solutions
  • Present avenues for reflection and action to economic and financial players, and placing them within long-term strategic frameworks
  • Disseminate the work of researchers and debate the issues in order to gain a better understanding of the challenges facing us collectively

Such conferences allow for a comprehensive understanding of business practices through a rich programme - while at the same time strengthening the links between students,  professionals and academic researchers.

They benefit directly  all current and future students of the MSc Sustainable Finance lead by Luis Reyes-Ortiz on the Paris campus.