Attend next ITL conference on Cyber Security!

A top-class conference is being held again this year as part of the MSc ITL. This year's subject: "Optimising information flows in the maritime supply chain".

Optimising information flows in the maritime supply chain

The MSc International Trade & Logistics conference to be held on 1 February will focus on managing information flows from a maritime perspective.

First of all, the physical aspects of data will be discussed. The case of Marseille - one of the world's Internet hubs thanks to the submarine cables - will be presented. The data sent by a smartphone actually travels through these cables and the maritime sector deals with these cables. Then, the main players in the sector of data transmission - including French companies such as Alcatel SN and Louis Dreyfus Armateurs - will be addressed.  

Secondly, the conference will address the increasingly important topic of maritime cyber security. Ports, shipping lines, freight forwarders, insurance companies and all players in the supply chain are aware of the criticality of this topic and our panel of experts will help us understand the challenges.

Conference agenda

9:30 - 12:00: The submarine cable supply chain

  • Thomas Ferreyrolles, Deputy General Counsel at Alcatel Submarine Cables
  • Ronan Kerhervé, General Manager of the Industrial Marine Division at Louis Dreyfus Armateurs

14:00 - 16:30: The challenge of cyber security in the maritime industry

  • Olivier Jacq, Technical and Scientific Director of France Cyber Maritime,
  • Charles de Corbière, Partner at Stream & Legal Director of Logisthinker
  • Paul Franquart, IT Manager of the Port of Marseille-Fos

Become a maritime management expert with KEDGE ITL MSc

The MSc ITL, which celebrates its 60th anniversary, is recognised worldwide as one of the best masters in maritime management. Its strength lies in its deep links with the business world, its history and the quality of its teaching. The international dimension is the cornerstone of this programme which is built in partnership with AFTRAL to enable students to manage international and strategic issues related to transport, supply chain, warehousing, customs, IT...This MSc offers a global approach that enables students to develop key skills in three areas: International Trade, International Transport and Logistics.

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