Technology Management


Technology management is a key strategic focus for KEDGE.

Technology management in education 

The management of digital technology is a fundamental pillar for the overall performance of companies. Hence, the crucial need to train future managers with multidisciplinary skills to be able to intervene on technological, organisational and human aspects with a transversal approach.

Skills are quickly evolving and new professions and practices are appearing in the current digital market. In all its programmes (KEDGE BachelorMaster in Management Grande Ecole), KEDGE mission is to integrate digital fluency in order to transform technology into opportunities for its students.

This includes theoretical knowledge and practical application of digital technologies. 

KEDGE develops the digital skills of its students to enable them to: 

  • Seize the opportunities associated with shifts in technology.
  • Understand the impact generated by new technologies and new ecosystems (societal, environmental and business). 
  • Develop a solid culture and a digital critical thinking essential for future professionals.

These real-life skills are spread over several practical teaching modules and other complementary "experiences" related to technology management area: 

Moreover, students are able to benefit from hybrid lessons and courses to foster their digital culture and  guarantee their employability, thanks to the integration of: 

  • MOOCs 
  • Off the shelf courses 
  • Coding lessons 

In partnership with the market leaders: , , .

The impact of technology management on businesses 

It is crucial for today's management to be able to cope with the current context, which is more global, connected, and evolving. In this context, companies and their leaders need to adapt in order to create development opportunities. 

Different training courses are aimed at professionals as part of , digital marketing & data and Grande Ecole programme

The impact of technology management on the ecosystem 

Student-business relationships are based on the close proximity between businesses (especially in the tech sector) and teachers-researchers. Teachers-researchers at KEDGE collaborate with several companies in the context of research projects . They publish scientific articles as well as case studies that allow the students to be faced with real life situations in the workplace.

 hey are also very active in regional ecosystems (Aix-Marseille French Tech, Pépite network, etc.). They contribute to citizens' debates by organising events led by digital key players at regional level such as .  

Labs   Teaching  Entrepreneuship  Humanity & sustainable development   Humanity & inclusivness