Alongside these activities, the centre's research professors regularly share their findings at conferences or in the media (France 2, France Inter, RFI, The Conversation, France Info, Le Monde, Les Echos, Harvard Business Review France, etc.).
Jonas Holmqvist, Christian Kowalkowski, Industrial Marketing Management, Volume 111, May 2023, Pages 257-267
The luxury industry is a rapidly growing sector, with several luxury conglomerates among the world's largest companies.
This growth is reflected in the increasing number of studies on luxury research. However, most existing research focuses only on the consumer perspective and overlooks the potential of B2B relationships in the luxury industry.
This paper addresses this research gap by developing how strong B2B relationships are crucial to an emerging key topic in luxury, namely traceability.
Specifically, we highlight the growing significance of traceability in luxury supply chains and explain how it elevates the relevance of B2B relationships. We further identify a dual purpose for traceability in luxury: it showcases ethical practices to customers and highlights areas for improvement.
We present seven research propositions for luxury companies to improve ethical practices and enhance traceability through their B2B relationships.
Integrating extant research with managerial insights, we highlight the importance of two new perspectives—managerial practices and B2B relationships—as key cornerstones to understanding and improving business ethics in the luxury industry.
Focus On
",, 11/04/2024
, Olivier Gergaud,, 14/03/2024
, Xavier Hollandts,, 07/03/2024
, Xavier Hollandts,, 02/02/2024
,, 23/01/2024
Olivier Gergaud, ,, 27/11
Renaud Lunardo, Jana Gross, , Psychology & Marketing, 18/10/2023
,, 26/10/2023
,, 17/10/2023
, Xavier Hollandts,, 27/02/2023, 13/07/2023, Thierry Lorey (citation)
« Comment le vin peut-il séduire les générations Z et Y ? »
Le Vigneron Des Côtes Du Rhône Et Du Sud Est, mai 2023, Thierry Lorey (citation)
"Nouvelles tendances packaging : bouteilles, une autre façon de les (b)voir(e)"
La revue du vin de France, 06/04/2023, Jérémy Cukierman (interview)
Marine & Océans magazine, mars 2023, Xavier Hollandts,
« La mer ne peut être qu’un élément d’une réponse globale à l’insécurité alimentaire mondiale »
Public Sénat, 01/04/2023, Xavier Hollandts (participation à l’émission)
,repris sur
Terre de Vins, 12/04/2023, Thierry Lorey (article)
"Demain, quels vins pour quels consommateurs ?"
Le Vigneron Des Côtes Du Rhône Et Du Sud Est, avril 2023, Thierry Lorey (article)
"Demain, quels vins pour quels consommateurs ?"
La Revue des vins de France, avril 2023, Jérémy Cukierman (Interview et chroniques)
- "Mondial des sommeliers : ce qu'il dit du vin de demain"
- "Sauvegardons notre héritage végétal"
- "Languedoc : le temps des grands vins"
LION magazine, 20/03/2023, Olivier Gergaud
" GUIDE ROUGE MICHELIN 2023 : Des perdants et des gagnants ", 13/03/2023, Xavier Hollandts, Point de vue de l’Expert
, Kedge Insight 06/03/2023
Challenges, 09/02/2023, Olivier Gergaud
« Guide Michelin : la face cachée des étoiles », 09/03/2023, Xavier Hollandts (interview)
Actuel Expert-Comptable, 02/03/2023, Xavier Hollandts (citation)
"L'accord va permettre à 700 000 voire un million de salariés de bénéficier, à partir de 2025, d'un système de partage de la valeur"
L'Express, 02/03/2023, Xavier Hollandts (citation),
"Avril, un géant sur le front de la souveraineté alimentaire"
Capital, 06/03/2023,
BFMTV, 06/03/2023,
Europe 1, 06/03/2023,
RMC, 06/03/2023,
RCF, 06/03/2023,
Cuisine & des tendances, 05/03/2023,
BFM, 06/03/2023,
Europe 1, 05/03/2023,
Smart Education sur B Smart, 28/02/2023, Jérémy Cukierman (interview), 28/02/2023, Olivier Gergaud (citation),
Réussir, 28/02/2023, Jérémy Cukierman (citation-article sur abonnement),
The Conversation , 25/02/2023, Xavier Hollandts,
La Tribune, 26/02/2023, Xavier Hollandts,
Europe 1 - émission "Europe Matin - 7h-9h"- , 28/02/2023, Xavier Hollandts (interview),
CDurable (site internet), 02/2023, Xavier Hollandts ( Point de vue de l’expert)
La Revue Parlementaire, 20/02/2023, Thierry Lorey (citation),
Les Echos, 15/02/2023, Xavier Hollandts (citation),
La Revue du vin de France, 09/02/2023, Jeremy Cukierman, Franck Thomas, meilleur sommelier d'Europe 2000 : ,
La Revue du vin de France, 06/02/2023, Jeremy Cukierman, Olivier Poussier, meilleur sommelier du monde 2000 : ,
La Provence, 05, Olivia Petit ( & ), Intervention aux Neurostories
Midi Libre, 26/01/2023, Olivier Gergaud (interview), , "Week-end saveurs : le vin bio, plus cher mais authentique"
La Revue du vin de France, 04/01/2023, Florine Livat (citation)
« L’irrésistible ascension des femmes dans le vin »
In the media
Price dispersion in wines. Does the Law of One Price apply?, Youtube, 11/01/2022
Arte TV, 02/09/2022, Olivia Petit (2 passages),
Pysch News Daily 04/01/21, Renaud Lunardo,
Economics Observatory,19/08/2022, Olivier Gergaud (citation),, 26/07/2022 , Olivier Gergaud, , Repris dans , 27/07/2022
Gestion Sociale, 23/06/2022, Xavier Hollandts, "La réforme de l’entreprise : un modèle français de codétermination"
Var Matin , 20/06/2022, mention de la chaire Vins rosés de Provence et de Thierry Lorey
"Rosé de Provence - la couleur qui plaît" (PJ), Nice Matin, 20/06/2022, reprise article, Monaco Matin, 20/06/2022, reprise article
La Revue Vinicole Internationale, Avril/Juin 2022, mention de la chaire Vins rosés de Provence
"La Provence confirme son positionnement collectif premium" (PJ)
L'Express, 09-15/06/2022, Xavier Hollandts (citation), "Le pari 2MX Organic, ovni de l'alimentaire"(PJ)
Houstonian Online , 30/05/2022, Olivier Gergaud (citation),
Télé Moustique (magazine TV belge), 24/05/2022, Olivier Gergaud, Etude sur les étoiles Michelin
The Conversation, 20/04/2022, Xavier Hollandts, , Site internet, 22/04/2022, reprise article The Conversation, La Tribune – reprise- , 17/05/2022,
Challenges Radio – reprise -
Nice Matin, 13/04/2022, citation Chaire de recherche sur les Vins rosés de Provence,
Var Matin, 13/04/2022, citation Chaire de recherche sur les Vins rosés de Provence,
Fondation Jean Jaurès (site internet), 24/02/2022, synthèse de l’audition de Xavier Hollandts,
Monaco Matin, 11/04/2022, mention de la Chaire Vins rosés de Provence, "Caisse d'Epargne Côte d'Azur, à la fois résiliente et combative", (article repris sur Var Matin et Nice Matin)
Journal télévisé de 20h de TF1, 27/03/2022, Olivia Petit ( Interview marketing olfactif),
Presse Agence , 23/03/2022, Xavier Hollandts (mention), série d'articles publiés dans Agriculture Stratégies sur les coopératives,
France Bleu, 22/03/2022, Olivier Gergaud (citation),, sur Radio Classique , 22/03/2022, Olivier Gergaud (citation), sur la sortie du Guide Michelin (à partir de 5min30)
Challenges , 15/03/2022, Xavier Hollandts (interview),
Challenges, 14/03/2022, Xavier Hollandts (Interview pour sur l'agriculture dans les programmes des candidats à la Présidentielle), "Présidentielle 2022 : ce que proposent les candidats pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture"
La Tribune , 11/03/2022, Xavier Hollandts, article coécrit sur la politique agricole française "
Vino Veritas sur TV7/Sud Ouest , 08/03/2022, Florine Livat, intervention dans l'émission diffusée sur les sites : Terre de vins,
Sud Ouest, "Vidéo. TV7/
Agriculture Stratégies, 07/03/2022, Xavier Hollandts,
Elle, 02/03/2022, Xavier Hollandts (citation article publié dans sur les agricultrices),
The Conversation, 03/03/2022, Xavier Hollandts (article co-écrit pour sur le prix des matières premières agricoles),
Alternatives Economiques, 25/02/2022, Xavier Hollandts (citation article publié dans sur salariés actionnaires et administrateurs),
, mars 2022, Tatiana Bouzdine, Citée comme intervenante lors de la manifestation qui se déroulera le 8 avril 2022 à Bordeaux
Agriculture Stratégies, 28/02/2022, Xavier Hollandts (article coécrit pour sur les coopératives agricoles),
L'Union du Cantal, 19/02/2022, Xavier Hollandts (ITW), Un certain malaise vis-à-vis des coops
Terres et territoires , 18/02/2022, Xavier Hollandts (ITW), La tête coopérante
Les Echos weekend, 18/02/2022, Xavier Hollandts (citation InVivo, l'Union des coopératives agricoles françaises), "InVivo, l'apôtre de la révolution agricole "
Les Echos, 17/02/2022, Xavier Hollandts (ITW), Agriculture : InVivo, le géant que l'on n'a pas vu venir -
Agra Presse, 14/02/2022, Xavier Hollandts (interview), « II y a un malaise d’une partie du monde agricole vis-à-vis des coops »"
, 10/02/2022 Olivia Petit (intervention)
mentionnée sur le site du Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de la Relance
Recma, 01-2022, Xavier Hollandts (article coécrit), "Quelles ressources et compétences pour réussir la stratégie de diversification d'une coopérative agricole ? "
Décision Boissons, 28/01/2022, Olivia Petit et Renaud Lunardo (citations), Mention de leurs interventions lors de la conférence "Vin et santé" à la Cité du Vin (Bordeaux) le 05/02/2022, Les troisièmes rencontres Vin et Santé à la Cité du Vin
Terre de Vins, 31/01/2022, Olivia Petit et Renaud Lunardo (citations),
Esteval, 27/01/2022, Xavier Hollandts, Gouverner les coopératives agricoles
Réussir, 27/01/2022, Xavier Hollandts (citation),
Terre de Vins , janvier-février 2022, mention de la Chaire sur les Vins rosés de Provence, « #Sciences : Rosé à la loupe »
MeWe,18/01/2022, Xavier Hollandts, le 11/01/2022
Agriculture Stratégies, 18/01/2022, Xavier Hollandts, Gouverner les coopératives agricoles, un exercice périlleux
YouTube, 11/01/2022, Olivier Gergaud (citation) , , K., CARDEBAT, J. M., GERGAUD, O., & REGIBEAU, P. (2021). Price Dispersion in Wines, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR-
Vins cultivés en bio préférés des experts, En 2 mots Poitou Charentes, 28/06/2021, Olivier Gergaud (Citation)
L'agriculture bio améliore bien le goût du vin, Sud-Ouest, Olivier Gergaud (Citation), 26/06/2021
Kedge : création d’un Index inclusivité fin 2021, «outil de pilotage très précis» , 28/06/21, News Tank Education, Anicia Jaegler
Bordeaux en recul ‘Avec des "indicateurs encourageants’
Hervé Remaud (citation), 06/2021, Revue Vinicole Internationale
,, 17/05/2021
, Agriculture stratégies, Xavier Hollandts, 15/02/2021
The Conversation, 09/02/2021, Florine Livat
, Newsroom, Olivier Gergaud, Magali Delmas, 08/02/2021(also published in the )
The Conversation, 20/01/2021 , Grégory Rayko, Xavier Hollandts (citation)
, Archyde, Olivier Gergaud, 18/01/2021
, Le Parisien, Olivier Gergaud, 18/01/2021
, Le Monde, Olivier Gergaud, 16/01/2021
, Decanter, Jane Anson, 14/01/2021
, Presse Agence, Florine Livat, 10/01/2021
, La Presse, Florine Livat, 08/01/2021
The Washington Post, 31/12/2020, Rick Noack, (citation Olivier Gergaud)
Capital, 04/12/2020, Francois Miguet, ( citation Hervé Remaud)
Sauver le secteur grâce à la vente à emporter. Nice Matin, Olivier Gergaud, 14 novembre 2020 (repris dans Var Matin).
L'écosystème coopératif participe au développement des territoires.
Les Echos, 28 octobre 2020, Julie Le Bolzer : Citations Xavier Hollandts
The Conversation, 15/10/2020, Frédéric Ponsignon & Gregory Bressolles
Survey Magazine, Olivia Petit, Septembre 2020,
Les apéros digitaux recruteraient de nouveaux consommateurs, p. 9,
V&S News, Thierry Lorey, 26 juin 2020
Olivier Gergaud, 05/2020
HRI Mag, 28 avril 2020 COVID-19 :
The Conversation, Olivier Gergaud, 26 avril 2020
ÉcoRéseau Business, Oliver Gergaud, 22 avril 2020
La Provence, Julien Pompey, 21 avril 2020,
Le Télégramme, 19 avril 2020
Le Monde, Xavier Hollandts, 17 avril 2020
France Culture, Caroline Broué, 17 avril 2020
All News, Olivier Gergaud, 17 avril 2020
The Conversation, Jean-Éric Pelet, 16 avril 2020
Les Échos, Camille Wong, 15 avril 2020 , AFP, 14 avril 2020
, AFP, 14 avril 2020
, AFP, 14 avril 2020
Acheter ses légumes chez son coiffeur : le coronavirus bouleverse la consommation alimentaire
Les Échos, Kévin Badeau, 11 avril 2020
The Conversation, Xavier Hollandts, 7 avril 2020
Florine Livat : The Champagne by Any Other Name, The Regulatory Review, M. Emamiam, E. Galik, A. Gottlieb, L. McDonough and L. Sevener, March 14, 2020 []
France Culture, Interview de Hervé Remaud,
Bon Bec Bohème, Christelle Zamora, 9 mars 2020
La Tribune, Xavier Hollandts, 28 février 2020
The Conversation, Xavier Hollandts, 27 février 2020
The Conversation, Xavier Hollandts, 21 février 2020
RFI, Interview de Hervé Remaud, 10 février 2020
La República, Margarita Coneo Rincón, 29 janvier 2020
Courrier International, Article original d’El Pais, Silvia Ayuso, 28 janvier 2020 Vu d’Espagne. Le Guide Michelin, plus contesté que jamais
France 24, L'Info Eco, Christophe Dansette (vidéo) / Olivier Gergaud 27 janvier 2020
El Pais, Silvia Ayuso, 27 janvier 2020
France 24, L'Info Eco, Christophe Dansette, 27 janvier 2020
Le Journal du Dimanche, Gaël Vaillant, 17 janvier 2020
L’Express, Céline Delbecque, 17 janvier 2020
Le Journal du Dimanche, Gaël Vaillant , 17 janvier 2020
Le Figaro, Eric De La Chesnais, 3 janvier 2020
Bouzdine-Chameeva T., F. Ponsignon, F. Durrieu, J.-O. Pesme (2020). “How to design a wine museum? Insights from La Cité du Vin in Bordeaux”. Art Museum Magazine, Chinese museology journal. China Fine Arts Publishing Group: (in Chinese).
Capital, Claire Bader, 31 décembre 2019
The Conversation, Xavier Hollandts, Florine Livat, 26 novembre 2019
Insead Knowledge, Boris Liedtke, 30 octobre 2019
Sciences et Vie, Anicia Jaegler, 1 septembre 2019
The Conversation, Anicia Jaegler, 29 août 2019
L’Usine Nouvelle, Adeline Haverland, 20 juin 2019
France Info, Anne-Laure Chouin, 1 juin 2019
Challenges, Valérie Xandry, 2 mars 2019
The Conversation, Xavier Hollandts, 22 février 2019
Terre-Net, Arnaud Carpon, 19 février 2019
Sud Ouest, Aude Courtin, 22 janvier 2019
Good Fruit, Leslie Mertz, 22 janvier 2019
L’Usine Nouvelle, Adeline Haverland, 19 décembre 2018
La Croix, Antoine d’Abbundo, 17 décembre 2018
The Conversation, Xavier Hollandts, 10 décembre 2018
The Conversation, Xavier Hollandts, 7 décembre 2018
The Conversation, Xavier Hollandts, 28 novembre 2018
La Croix, Antoine d’Abbundo, 16 novembre 2018
La Tribune, Xavier Hollandts, 14 novembre 2018
The Conversation, Xavier Hollandts, 14 novembre 2018 Trois propositions pour réformer la gouvernance des coopératives agricoles
Le Monde, Olivier Gergaud, 14 novembre 2018
The Conversation, Xavier Hollandts, 4 septembre 2018
Cornell University, Susan Kelley, 16 juillet 2018
UP Magazine, Xavier Hollandts, 2 juillet 2018
The Conversation, Xavier Hollandts, 19 juin 2018
Atlantico, Antoine Jeandey, 23 mai 2018
Challenges, Thiébault Dromard, 15 mai 2018
The Conversation, Xavier Hollandts, 28 mars 2018
Wikiagri, Antoine Jeandey, 3 mars 2018
La Tribune, Xavier Hollandts, 25 février 2018
The Conversation, Xavier Hollandts, 22 février 2018 L
The Conversation, Xavier Hollandts, 22 février 2018
Le Figaro, Julie Ruiz, 5 février 2018
France Info, Lison Verriez, 5 février 2018
RTS, 5 février 2018, interview d'Olivier Gergaud
BFM Business, Andrew Caballero-Reynolds, 5 février 2018
INSEEC, Olivia Petit, 22 janvier 2018 Salad or burger?
Harvard Business Review France, Olivier Gergaud, 15 novembre 2017
Challenges, Valérie Xandry, 13 novembre 2017
France Info, Carole Bélingard, 8 novembre 2017
La Croix, Antoine d’Abbundo, 2 novembre 2017
Le Parisien, Delphine Denuit, 1 novembre 2017
La Tribune, Xavier Hollandts, 31 octobre 2017
The Conversation, Xavier Hollandts, 30 octobre 2017
Sud Ouest, Aude Courtin, 25 septembre 2017
La Dépêche, Philippe Rioux, 24 septembre 2017
Conférence des Grandes Écoles, 21 septembre 2017
Sud-Ouest, Pascal Rabiller, 6 avril 2017
Le Monde, Olivier Gergaud, 03 mars 2017
Le Monde, Xavier Hollandts, 31 août 2016 Lactalis:
The Conversation, Xavier Hollandts, 30 août 2016
Huffington Post, Xavier Hollandts, 30 août 2016
Challenges, Thiébault Dromard, 26 août 2016
Le Monde, Xavier Hollandts, 3 mars 2016 «
Capital, Thomas Le Bars, 4 février 2016 La
BFM Business, Stéphane De Sakutin, 2 février 2015
BBC, David Silverberg, 17 octobre 2019
Forbes, Thomas Pellechia, 10 septembre 2019
National Interest, Florine Livat, Bradley Rickard, 10 septembre 2019
The Conversation, Florine Livat, Bradley Rickard, 9 septembre 2019
Ouest-France, Alexandra Couston, 21 Août 2019
Vitisphere, Marion Sepeau Ivaldi, 30 mai 2019
Groupe ICV, conférence d’Olivier Gergaud, 29 mai 2019
AAWE, conférence de Florine Livat et d’Olivier Gergaud, 10 juin 2018
AAWE, conférence de Florine Livat, 10 juin 2018
Sud Ouest, Tatiana Bouzdine-Chameeva, 17 octobre 2017
Aquitaine Online, Philippe Cloutet, 19 juin 2017
France 5, 21 mai 2017
Mon Viti, Séverine Favre, 5 mai 2017
France télévision - JT France 2 - octobre 2016Vin :
,, 24 novembre 2017
Les Échos, Paul Molga, 22 septembre 2016
Bioalaune, Donna So, 19 septembre 2016
Notre-Planè, Christophe Magdelaine, 8 septembre 2016
The Washington Post, Dave McIntyre, 20 août 2016 Here’s the best reason of all to drink organic wine: It tastes better.
Los Angeles Times, Megan Daley, 5 août 2016
UCLA, Alison Hewitt, 2 août 2016
RFI, Interview d’Olivier Gergaud, 12 mai 2016
Financial Times, Jancis Robinson, 5 février 2016 What's in a Wine Appellation?
Huffington Post, Fabrizio Buccela, 27 janvier 2016
AAWE, Olivier Gergaud, 26 mai 2015
Huffington Post, Ashley Verhines, 23 juin 2014
Vitisphère, Yann Rousseau, 28 mars 2013
Les Echos, Florine Livat et Jean-Marie Cardebat, 21 décembre 2012
La Vigne, 17 Janvier 2012
Le Nouvel Economiste, 31 Mars 2011
Express-Expansion, Violette Robinet, 5 mars 2010
Newsweek, 5 octobre 2009
Vitisphère, Florine Livat et Aziza Laguecir, 7 février 2011
The Guardian, 1 Juin 2005
The Observer, 20 Mars 2005
French Bitter over Wine Study
The Sunday Telegraph, 20 Mars 2005
UK chief execs narrow the pay gap with US peers
Vox EU, Orley Ashenfelter, Olivier Gergaud, Victor Ginsburgh Karl Storchmann, 1 mars 2013
Vitisphère, Olivier Gergaud et Victor Ginsburgh, 27 décembre 2012
Le Monde,14 november 2018
Harvard Business Review France, Olivier Gergaud, 15 novembre 2017
Le Monde, Olivier Gergaud, 3 mars 2017, 4 février 2016 :
BFM Business, 2 février 2015
Express-Expansion 5 mars 2010,
Slate Magazine, June 24, 2009
Le Monde, Olivier Gergaud et Vincenzo Verardi, 5 janvier 2007
New-York Times, Tyler Cowen, 13 juillet 2006
Research and development
The centre has positioned itself as an industry partner. Its research professors thus conduct research in collaboration with the Food, Wine, Spirits, Catering, Hospitality and Tourism sectors.
We carried out a qualitative study for the Hennessy Visits in Cognac to evaluate the quality of the visitor experience during the tour of the site. This work helped to reveal the mechanisms determining visitors' perceptions and suggest areas for improvement in the short and medium term. We have emphasised the need to consolidate the link between visitors' perceptions relative to consuming the product, Hennessy cognac, and the experience relative to the tour.
Private partner:
Research team: Frédéric Ponsignon, François Durrieu, Tatiana Bouzdine-Chameeva and Renaud Lunardo
The partnership, between Kedge Wine School and the Cité du Vin, provided us with the opportunity to conduct two research projects in 2016 and 2018.
The first study (2016), by Frédéric Ponsignon, François Durrieu and Tatiana Bouzdine-Chameeva, focused on the permanent tour, the heart of the Cité du Vin with 450,000 paying visitors per year. It allowed observation and understanding of visitors' behaviour, in order to improve customer satisfaction.
“Our intention is to deliver a unique, high-quality experience for our visitors. Our partnership with KEDGE will give us an in-depth understanding of our visitors' behaviour and satisfaction levels and improve the training of our already highly qualified staff,"
Philippe Massol, CEO of the Fondation pour la Culture et les Civilisations du Vin
Learn more about the visitor barometer:
Ponsignon F., Durrieu F. & Bouzdine-Chameeva T. (2017). , 28(4), 763-787
CCMP Case study:
La Cité du vin:
The second study, conducted in February 2018 by Frédéric Ponsignon and Renaud Lunardo, aimed to test and validate changes to the permanent tour on a wider sample of visitors. Our analysis demonstrates and explains how these changes could contribute to a better experience and a higher overall level of satisfaction for visitors to the Cité du Vin.
Lunardo R., Ponsignon F. (2019). . Journal of Travel Research
Academic partners: Université de Bordeaux, ,
Public partner:
Private partner: Wine services
Research team: Florine Livat and Olivier Gergaud
This research project consists of multiple sections. One of these sections features an analysis of the range of prices of Bordeaux wines sold in restaurants. This study, in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux and Wine Services, a start-up based in Bordeaux, uses a sample of over 70,000 Bordeaux wines distributed in just over 900 restaurants in Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles, New York and Paris.
Another section looks at the price dynamics of Bordeaux wines bought in bulk in order to detect potential substitutions, in the view of consumers, among different designations. In case of substitution, the empirical analysis also helps us to understand what factors consumers base their judgements on about designations being equivalent. Our results show that consumers select substitutes for Bordeaux wines based on semantic factors, in other words based on the name as a sign of reputation, rather than based on the terroir or pricing level.
Learn more about the factors determining the prices of wine:
Livat F., Alston J.M., Cardebat J.M. (2019). Do denominations of origin provide useful quality signals? The case of Bordeaux wines. Economic Modelling, 81, 518-532
Cardebat J.M., Gergaud O., Régibeau P. & Rockett K. (2020). Price dispersion in wines, Working paper
Responsible consumption
In partnership with Vin & Société
is understood here as a model for consuming alcoholic drinks, particularly wine, in an occasional, moderate and measured manner. It is characterised by moderate quantities consumed (idea of consumption thresholds), some consumption habits (consumption of the same quantity of alcohol spread over time rather than in one go, consumption while eating, etc.), and relying on ideas such as knowledge of the product and culture, pleasure, self-respect and self-control.
Teaching and student life:
Training programmes associated with the centre
training courses
Our Wine & Hospitality expertise is taught through different programmes from level BAC+2 to BAC+5:
- , launched jointly by KEDGE and EHL with exceptional sponsors.
- This is a work-study programme in Bordeaux and Paris, taught in French.
- . This is a full-time programme in Bordeaux, taught in English.
Alongside these 4 programmes, , our sommellerie school, where three of the best sommeliers in the world sit on the education committee, features in our programmes. Among other things, it runs the sommelier module on our MSc Wine & Hospitality Management course and offers customised programmes for industry professionals.
The Kedge Wine School network
Our international network helps to maximise the employability of our students and support developments in the industry.
In France
Union de la Sommellerie Française, Association de la Sommellerie Internationale, Les Sources de Caudalie / Château Smith Haut-Laffite, Cordeillan-Bages, Le Bistrot du Sommelier, Le Petit Sommelier, Mandarin Oriental, Axa Millésimes, AdVini, Bardinet, Ballande et Mèneret, Baron Philippe de Rothschild, BNIA, BNIC, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, Bureau Quancard, Castel, Challenge International du Vin, Champagne Bollinger, CIVC, Château Angelus, Château Palmer, Château Troplong Mondot, Château La Dominique, Château Guiraud, Cité du Vin, CVBG, Conseil des Grands crus classés 1855, Distillerie Merlet, Domaine de Chevalier, Ginestet, Grand Chais de France, ISVV, Jas Hennessy, JM Cazes, Martell, François Lurton. Diageo, Oenobouchage, Oenomedia, Pernod-Ricard, Rémy Martin, RVF, Terre de vins, Tonnellerie Seguin Moreau, Union des Grands Crus de Bordeaux, Magazine Vigneron, Vignobles André Lurton, Vinexpo, Vins de Provence, Wine and Co, Wine Passport, Wine Services, Yvon Mau Freixenet, Union des maisons de Bordeaux…
Penfolds, Treasury Wine Estates, Constellation Brands, Diageo, The French Cellar, Poplar Grove, Summerhill Winery (BC Canada), Tinhorn Creek Laughing Stock Vineyards (BC Canada), Great Wine Capitals...
The Kedge Wine School team also organises social occasions, special events, meetings between students, graduates, professionals, journalists, decision-makers… The aim is for these meetings to act as business or employment accelerators.
- Job dating (Bordeaux and Paris): job interviews for work placements as part of the course for KEDGE Wine School students. Professionals and recruiters from the wine industry come to KEDGE to meet candidates on site.
- Afterworks: bi-monthly meetings for students, graduates and industry professionals in the city of Bordeaux.
The centre expertise is translated into educational contents for students near the end of their studies (Master in Wines and Spirits, MSc in Wine & Spirits Management) and for individuals already working in the industry and wishing to undertake continuous training programmes.
It aims to be very applied, practical and deal with strategic themes such as:
- Climate change and the ecological transition,
- Consumers' purchasing behaviour regarding organic wine,
- Ethical issues of drinking wine (responsible consumption),
- Ideas about the profitability of and investment in wine growing areas,
- New consumption and production markets,
- Provision and management of wine tourism activities.
As part of the work-study programme, or the end-of-course internship, students have the opportunity to apply the techniques and knowledge they have learned at Kedge Wine School in their everyday work. The centre researchers are systematically involved in building training programmes targeted to professionals.
Students also collaborate with researchers on applied research theses, some of which are presented at international industry conferences and occasionally published in academic journals relating to the field.
To encourage cutting-edge scientific output, the centre has collaborated with its partners at the to create a student session that offers an award () for the best research paper written in this field of study.
News related to students
The centre regularly enlists students for cross-disciplinary projects and case studies. These provide them with the opportunity to:
Establish diagnostics for products or operations (sales, distribution, business models, communication, etc.)
Recommend changes to develop activities and make them more sustainable in the long term.
The FWH centre of excellence regularly organises academic events such as seminars or workshops. In the past, it has also helped to organise conferences in collaboration with the AAWE and AWBR. Every year the research centre, in collaboration with Cornell University, l’Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the University of Bolzano, organises the . Members of the centre also regularly participate in international conferences and congresses.
Claire Lamoureux, Kedge, PhD research project : Presentation and 1st year assessment, Performance of wine company based on their diversification strategy, exemple of the wine tourism
Fabrizio Bucchela, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Music and Wine pairings
Jean-Philippe Weisskopf, Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne, Alliance for Research on Wine & Hospitality Management webinar, Online Reputation and Debt Capacity
Fred Ponsignon, Jonas Holmqvist, Kedge
Experience Design for Branded Tourism Attractions: Insights from an in-depth case study at Les Visites Hennessy
Burak Kazaz, Syracuse University
Alliance for Research on Wine & Hospitality Management webinar, Wine Analytics
Diego Rinallo, Kedge, Alliance for Research on Wine & Hospitality Management webinar, The image of #cheese and #wine on Instagram: Interpreting hashtag networks with qualitative research
Thierry Lorey and François Durrieu, Kedge
Choosing the ideal wine and cheese associations: a comparison between experts and consumers in France.
Olivier Gergaud, David Jaud, Renaud Lunardo, Kedge, The impact of wine knowledge and family communication around responsibility on alcohol consumption
Valérie Bonnardel, University of Winchester, Rosé wine colour studies: colorimetry, attitudes, and behaviours
Stéphane Ouvrard, Sajjad Jasimuddin (KEDGE) et Antonio Spiga, Does Sustainability Push to Reshape Business Models? Evidence from the European Wine Industry
Renaud Lunardo, Frédéric Ponsignon et Mohamed Michrafi,Why are International Visitors more Satisfied with the Tourism Experience? The Role of Hedonic Value, Escapism, and Psychic Distance
David Moroz, South Champagne School of Business, Should You Invest in an Old Bottle of Whisky or in a Bottle of Old Whisky? A Hedonic Analysis of Vintage Single Malt Scotch Whisky Prices
David Jaud, KEDGE Business School
The impact of Education on wine consumption: the role of family communication in encouraging responsible drinking
Bradley Rickard, Cornell University
Dissonant opinions and the home bias: Consumer response to crowd sourced reviews for wine
Angela Sutan, Burgundy School of Business
Does Pre-play Social Interaction Improve Negociation Outcomes?
Olivier Bargain, Université de Bordeaux
Genetic resistance and quality heterogeneity in French wine exports
Armand Gilinsky, Sonoma State University
Are the uses of adversity sweet? An empirical investigation into strategic preparedness in the US wine industry
Ricardo Vecchio, Université de Naples
Consumers’ preferences and willingness to pay for sparkling wines: An analysis through experimental auctions Assessing Corporate Social Responsibility in the Wine Market: an Non-Hypothetical Study
Armando Maria Corsi, University of South Australia, The Wine Lexicon Project
How wine brands grow?
Michael Visser, Ensae (Crest)
The Causal Impact of Medals on Wine Producers’ Prices, and the Gains From Participating in Contest
Amandine Ody Brasier, Yale School of Management, Who Gets Punished Most for Challenging the Status Quo?
Steve Charters, Burgundy School of Business , Exploring the Territorial Brand in Wine
Liz Thach, Sonoma State University
Exploring Trends in Wine Ecommerce & Social Media
Bradley Rickard, Cornell University
The development of reputations for wine regions
Victor Ginsburgh, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Shapley Ranking of Wines
Jean-Marie Cardebat, University of Bordeaux, Standardizing Expert Wine Scores : An Application for Bordeaux en primeur
Karl Storchmann, New York University
Two essays on wine profit margins
Philippe Masset, Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne, Predicting auction prices of fine wines with search engine data
Armand Gilinski, Sonoma State University
Dimensions of Philanthropy across the global wine industry
Bradley Rickard, Cornell University
U.S. retail regulations for wine: Rent-seeking, social issues, and consumer choice
C. Felzensztein, Kingston University, London (UK), International marketing strategies in industrial clusters: Insights from the Southern Hemisphere
David Doloreux, HEC Montréal , Use of internal and external sources of knowledge and innovation in the Canadian wine industry
Jean-Sauveur Ay, Inra Dijon , A new method to identify price-elasticities on wine markets
Florine Livat, KEDGE , Sommeliers, restaurants and wine price markup
Olivier Gergaud, KEDGE, Anchoring and property prices: the influence of "Echelle des Crus" ratings on land sales in the Champagne Region of France
François Durrieu, KEDGE, How to differentiate fun and exploration labels from typical labels?
Karl Storchmann, New York University,
Margins of Fair Trade Wine along the Supply Chain: Evidence from South African Wine in the U.S. Market
James Fogarty, University of Western Australia, Wine Tax Reform: The Impact of Introducing a Volumetric Excise Tax for Wine
Conferences organised or co-organised
Alliance for Research on Wine & Hospitality Management Webinars
February 202, , (Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne)
January 2021, , Burak KAZAZ, Syracuse University
December 2020, , Diego Rinallo, Associate Professor of Marketing and Consumer Culture Kedge Business School (France)
Workshops of the Alliance for Research on Wine & Hospitality Management
- 2021:
- 2020 : June 29, 1st Geisenheim U – KEDGE Wine Workshop
- 2019: , June
- 2018: : Lausanne, May
- 2017: : Bordeaux, April
- Simone Mueller, Geisenheim University, The effects of the Covid crisis on German wine producers
- Hervé Remaud, Kedge Business School, Factors explaining a change in wine buyers and consumers’ behaviour during the COVID-19 confinement period
- Florine Livat, Kedge Business School, How did wine consumption evolve during the Covid-19 lockdown in Europe?
- David Jaud, Kedge Business School, The impact of stress on coping strategies and vice consumption during the Covid-19 lockdown in France and the US
- 2018: Wine Marketing Workshop, in tribute to Philippe Barbe, with participation of Armando Corsi (UniSA, Australia), Ian Taplin (Wake Forest U., USA) and Riccardo Vecchio (Univ. Naples, Italy).
- 2016: 10th annual conference of the AAWE (American Association of Wine Economists), co-organised with the University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux Science-Agro and INSEEC. This event is the world's biggest annual conference on the wine economy. Each year more than 200 participants attend from all countries.
Participation in international conferences
- Conférences de l’ (Academy of Wine Business Research),
- Conférences de l’ (American Association of Wine Economists)
Olivier Gergaud has been awarded in 2019 an Erskine Fellowship by the to teach and research on wine and hospitality topics.
Renaud Lunardo, Associate Marketing Professor, and Bradley Rickard, Affiliate Professor (Cornell University) received The Best Paper Award in Tourism and Hospitality Management Track for their paper "Too Funny, for Everybody? How fun Elements in Wine labels decrease willingness-to-pay and intentions as a function of risk propensity", presented at the 2018 SMA (Society for Marketing Advances) Annual Conference, held at West Palm Beach (FL-USA) from 31 October to 3 November 2018.
Renaud Lunardo and Bradley Rickard have received the best paper award in the Tourism and Hospitality Management track at the 2018 Society for Marketing Advances (SMA) Annual Conference held in West Palm Beach (USA) for the following presentation:
"Too Funny, for Everybody ? How fun Elements in Wine labels decrease willingness-to-pay and intentions as a function of risk propensity”
Florine Livat has received the Auguste Escoffier Prize at the 2018 edition of the Alliance for Research on Wine and Hospitality Management Workshop 2018 held in Lausanne (Switzerland) for the following presentation:
"Are there too many appellations of origin? The case of Bordeaux wines"
Florine Livat and Hervé Remaud have received the best paper award at the 2016 Association for Wine Business Research 2016 conference held in Adelaide (Australia) along with the Christophe Baron Award for the best presentation at the 2015 edition of the American Association of Wine Economists 2015 conference held in Mendoza (Argentina) for the following presentation:
“Factors impacting wine prices’ mark-up in restaurants”