"Business in a connected world" chair
We are gradually witnessing the end of the duality between traditional commerce and e-commerce; the boundaries between digital and non-digital are blurring. With the advent of smartphones, tablets, smart watches and other mobile devices, customers always stay connected, so (e-)retailers need to engage them on all channels.
Physical and virtual stores are increasingly connected to each other and to the outside world (smartphones, RFID chips, NFC payments, digitalisation of the point of sale, augmented reality, etc.), creating a new proximity with consumers. Today, the act of buying often results from a round trip between the physical and virtual worlds.
Chairs objectives
Since 2001, the “Business in a Connected World” Chair develops and disseminates knowledge and state-of-the-art expertise on the adoption and use of digital technologies by consumers and companies. The aim of the Chair is also to study the evolution of different forms of retailing as well as the development and integration of customer relations into an omnichannel strategy.
Research axes
Conducting both fundamental and applied research, the Chair follows and studies how the phenomena of consumption and retail are influenced, modified or slowed down by the ICTs. The emphasis is put on the interface companies - consumers, mainly in an objective of retail trade and customer service. The main research axes of the Chair are related to:
- The digitalisation of companies in general and in the retail sector in particular
- The evolution of retail companies from multichannel to omnichannel
- The e-Fulfillment systems in multichannel retailing
- The study of the evolution of the online wine sales
Through their involvement in the Chair, partner companies participate in the educational activities of KEDGE BS and thus have the opportunity to offer internships, market research subjects or research dissertation subjects, as well as job offers to qualified and motivated students.
Areas of expertise and programmes
The members of the chair are coordinating different “Digital marketing" courses or tracks in the different programmes of Kedge BS as well as in Executive education.
Since 2001, the members of theCchair have initiated and coordinated a large number of student-led projects in conjunction with companies. Projects include Junior Consultancy with companies such as Auchan, Cultura or with HighCo Group.
Team members
To work on the research projects, the Chair is organised in various teams led by the Chair's holder. The team includes research fellows as well as persons from the academic and professional worlds:
- Frédéric PONSIGNON
- Gerald LANG
- François DURRIEU
- Renaud LUNARDO
- Laurence DESSART (HEC Liège)
- Naser VALAEI (Liverpool Business School)
- Sylvain SENECAL (HEC Montréal)
- Catherine VIOT (University of Lyon)
Based on the research, the Chair organises a series of training activities which can include either seminaries, conferences/master class or lessons, all based on the topics of the digitalisation of companies, the retailing and the e-commerce.
As an example, a "KEDGE Insight" conference for companies and KEDGE BS alumni was organized in Paris in October 2018 in partnership with Amazon in order to present the results of the research on the evolution of retail companies from multichannel to omnichannel.
The first digital innovation workshop for Quality Management, the HackQUAthon, was organized on November 2018 in the premises of KEDGE BS Paris and brought together 10 start-ups and 64 quality managers who worked together on the theme: "How does the Quality Management use technology to develop new uses for a sustainable performance".
Academic articles and/or professional & for the general public
- Bressolles G. (2020), Le Marketing Digital, 3ème édition, Les topos, Dunod.
- Bressolles G. et Ponsignon F. (2019), QSE et digitalisation, Soyons moteurs de la transformation, Paris : AFNOR éditions, mai, 169 p.
- Ponsignon, F., Kleinhans, S., Bressolles, G. (2018). Vers la qualité 4.0 : Apports croisés de la fonction qualité et de la transformation digitale. Paris : AFNOR éditions, avril, 124 p.
- Bressolles G. (2017), , The Conversation, 21 septembre 2017
- Bressolles G. et Viot C. (2021), Les détaillants face au défi du commerce connecté : Une étude multisectorielle, Management international, (In press).
- Nikhashemi S.R., Valaei N., Rezaei S., Bressolles G. (2021), The hidden chain of branded telecommunication services delivery: Value, trust, brand, price tolerance and word of mouth communication chain, Journal of Relationship Marketing, (In press).
- Bressolles, G. and Lang, G. (2019), , International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, vol. 48 n°. 1, pp. 35-52.
- Ponsignon F., Kleinhans S. and Bressolles G. (2019), , Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, vol. 30, n°. S1, S17-S34, DOI
- Valaei N., Nikhashemi S.R., Bressolles G. and Ha Jin H. (2019), , Journal of Enterprise Information Management, vol. 32 n°. 5, pp. 887-912
- Chaney D., Lunardo R., and Bressolles G. (2016), Making the store a place of learning: The effects of in-store educational activities on retailer legitimacy and shopping intentions, Journal of Business Research, vol. 69, n° 12, pp. 5886-5893.
- Lunado R., Bressolles G. and Durrieu F. (2016), The interacting effect of virtual agents’ gender and dressing style on attractiveness and subsequent consumer online behavior, International Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 30, 59-66.
Documents to download
Bressolles G. et Ponsignon F. (2019), , Paris : AFNOR éditions, mai, 169 p.
Ponsignon, F., Kleinhans, S., Bressolles, G. (2018). . Paris : AFNOR éditions, avril, 124 p.