The Accounting, Finance, & Economics department at KEDGE brings together professors from various backgrounds: general accounting, financial and extra-financial accounting, auditing & accounting expertise, management control, market finance, corporate finance, social and solidarity economics, the circular economy, the collaborative economy, the real estate, urban, and territorial economy, business law, and corporate law.

Accounting, Finance & Economics
These disciplines are all related to accounting, finance, and economics in a broad sense. The professors from this department give theoretical and practical training designed to provide students with specific knowledge on financial markets and institutions in the fields of accounting & auditing expertise as well as economics.
Other topics discussed in our courses include economic policies, civil law, and corporate law (e-commerce, marketing, company laws as well as entrepreneurship).
Teaching commitment
Our professors are involved in all programmes, whether it be undergraduate programmes (the Programme Grande école (PGE) , , , & IBBA) or Executive programmes.
The department offers several professional orientations through its wide range of training options, including:
The finance-control-auditing major: this is a pre-specialisation that covers the principle fields of finance (such as market finance, portfolio management, corporate finance, and an overview of international financial markets), management control, and auditing. It offers a solid base for enrolling in a specialised master and applying for internships in the following branches: credit analyst, financial analyst, risk manager, cash manager, internal auditing assistant, accounting duty, professional customer Advisor, auditing, management control and wealth management.
The department also offers several MS/MSc options on the three campuses: Marseille, Bordeaux, and Paris.
On Marseille Campus
trains managers to master these two areas of expertise. The programme goes beyond management control training, offering students real professional cases and preparing them for careers within any organisation regardless of the business branch. This master is led by Eustache Ebondo.
MSc Corporate Finance aims to train professionals to master financial tools and perfectly understand the needs of companies to be able to benefit from adequate financial expertise in all situations.
The Audit-Expertise course: KEDGE prepares students for the exams for the DSCG Management Accounting degree, the second level of degree in the accounting sector. Accessible as part of the Executive Education, this technical and theoretical apprenticeship is completed by the professional skills needed for fast and successful employability. The DSCG provides access to the final level of accounting expertise, the DEC diploma. It is led by Isabelle Pignatel.
On Bordeaux Campus
MSc Banking and Finance was designed to meet two objectives: to guarantee the technical requirements of finance and the needs for societal responsibility. Financial institutions are increasingly aware of this; for students, it is almost a prerequisite. This is a major concern for the team of professor-researchers who support the MSc students. This master is led by Pierre Gruson.
MSc International Business aims to develop crucial skills for our students to evolve within a globalised economy. It covers all management disciplines with a systematic approach to major international and geopolitical issues. The programme’s priority is to create strong ties with companies to strengthen employability abroad. This master is led by Stéphane Ouvrard.
On Paris Campus
MSc Sustainable finance trains professionals with a perfect mastery of financial tools, providing them with a dual financial & extra-financial expertise. This profile is increasingly sought after by companies that are integrating new ethical and societal challenges in their investments and strategies. This master is led by Christophe Revelli.
KEDGE’s specialised master in real estate and wealth management is the only French training programme to offer a dual specialisation in wealth management and commercial real estate. This master programme creates highly employable graduates since 90% of them find a job within three months of completing the programme. This master is led by Éric Pichet.
The department has two centres of excellence:
The CFE department has two chairs:
- CANDRIAM chair: Held by Christophe Revelli
- chair: Held by Olivier Gergaud
Networks and partnerships
The department professors are affiliated with several academic associations (including the AFFI, AEI, or the French Institute for Auditing and Internal Oversight, Euram, IFA, etc.)
= Association
KEDGE also partners with the DFCG (Financial and management control directors) and with the Ordre des Experts-Comptables (Institute of Chartered Accountants).
To learn more about Teaching
Our teaching staff
- Radouane Abdoune
- Marie Baudoux
- Nizar Brahim
- Soraya Bel Hadj Ali
- Sami Ben Larbi
- Philippe Bertrand
- Emilie Bonhoure
- Clémentine Bourgeois
- Pierre Casanova
- Éric Cauvin
- Ali Dardour
- Laurence Dessertine
- Isabelle Ducassy
- Eustache Ebondo Wa Mandzila
- Adam Elage
- Karim Elasri
- Christophe Faugère
- Serge Valant Gandja
- Claire Garnier
- Olivier Gergaud
- Philippe Givry
- Pierre Gruson
- Kieran Knipe
- Ronny Ktorza
- Sylvie Lacueille
- Thomas Lagoarde-Segot
- Laurence Le Poder
- Florine Livat-Pecheux
- Zouhaier M’Chirgui
- Alban Mathieu
- Frantz Maurer
- Jeanne Metivier
- Stéphane Ouvrard
- Nicolas Petit
- Eric Pichet
- Isabelle Pignatel
- Coralie Reslinger
- Christophe Revelli
- Luis Reyes-Ortiz
- Aurélie Sannajust
- Nassima Selmane
- Edward Sun
- Hubert Tchakoute-Tchuigoua
- Michelle Van Weeren
- Fabrice Vibert