St¨¦phanie PEYRE

Marketing Download CV

A graduate of EDHEC with a specialisation in Marketing, Stéphanie PEYRE worked for 12 years in the field of sales and marketing as a sales manager in the multinational food companies COLGATE and MONDELEZ, then as a senior marketing consultant in market research for the company NIELSEN. For the past 12 years, she has been a lecturer in marketing at KEDGE in several programmes as well as in various higher education management establishments (EDHEC, IAE de Toulon, IDRAC). She teaches general marketing, market research, panels, trade marketing and category management. She is currently preparing a PhD in marketing on the theme of ethical consumption of clothing and plans to defend her thesis next June.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    PEYRE, S. - "Tanoishi & the world cuisine category Faced with a very dynamic market, how can we design tomorrow's world cuisine category to make it a showcase for the shop, with a particular focus on Asia?" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France 2024 Case Study
    PEYRE, S. - "Tanoshi et la cat¨¦gorie de la cuisine du monde Face ¨¤ un march¨¦ tr¨¨s dynamique, comment penser le rayon cuisine du monde de demain pour en faire un rayon vitrine du magasin en s¡¯appuyant sur l¡¯Asie en particulier ?" - 2024, CCMP, Paris, France 2024 Case Study
    GRENIER, C., S. PEYRE - "Les campagnes solidaires d'appels aux dons Exemple : les Boutiques Solidarit¨¦ de la Fondation Abb¨¦ Pierre" - 2024, CCMP, Paris 2024 Case Study
    PEYRE, S., F. CAPEAU - "Bjorg & la cat¨¦gorie des boissons v¨¦g¨¦tales : comment am¨¦liorer l¡¯implantation des boissons v¨¦g¨¦tales en rayon, au b¨¦n¨¦fice de la cat¨¦gorie et de Bjorg ?" - 2023, CCMP, France 2023 Case Study
    PEYRE, S., F. CAPEAU - "Bjorg and the plant-based milk category in France: How to improve the implementation of plant-based drinks in stores for the benefit of the category and of Bjorg?" - 2023, CCMP, France 2023 Case Study
    Teaching domains
