Nicolas PETIT

Accounting, Finance & Economics Download CV

Nicolas Petit is an associate professor at Kedge Business School. After obtaining a PhD in management in the University of Rennes 1, he came to work in China in 2016 at Renmin University, in the Sino-French Institute co-created in cooperation with Kedge Business School. He teaches management control, accounting and international management. Since then, he is also deeply involved in the administration of several international cooperation between French and Chinese higher education institutions. On the academic side, his researches focus on cost management, uses of management tools and how new technology impact accounting and management practices.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    DESPLEBIN, O., G. LUX, N. PETIT, "Inclusion of blockchain in university accounting curricula: an overview of practices and strategies", Accounting Education, 2024 2024 Journal article
    DESPLEBIN, O., G. LUX, N. PETIT, "L¡¯enseignement de la blockchain pour les ¨¦tudiants en comptabilit¨¦ : ¨¦tat des lieux et le?ons issues du Top 50 mondial des universit¨¦s", Audit Comptabilit¨¦ Contr?le : Recherches Appliqu¨¦es, 2023, vol. 3, no. 18, pp. 59-91 2023 Journal article
    Teaching domains