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Dr. Nicolas Buttafoghi is assistant professor. He has a doctorate in Information and Communication Sciences. He worked during five years in communication & marketing department for a French company and had missions of marketing & business in Italy. Then, in 2017, he has created Buttaf Communication in order to promote companies thanks to photos and videos. He has worked in many sectors such as energy, industry, tv show... In 2018, he signed a partnership contract with the French Army to produce promotional videos for the Patrouille de France & the aerobatic team. As an assistant professor, he is the Director of the Program MSc Digital Marketing & Sales in Marseille at Kedge Business School.

    Recent publications
    Publication Year of publication Type of publication
    COURBET, D., L. JACQUEMIER, S. HERCBERG, M. TOUVIER, B. SARDA, E. KESSE-GUYOT, P. GALAN, N. BUTTAFOGHI, C. JULIA, "A randomized controlled trial to test the effects of displaying the Nutri-Score in food advertising on consumer perceptions and intentions to purchase and consume", International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2024, vol. 21, no. 38 2024 Journal article
    Teaching domains


    • Design Graphic
    • Editing video
    • Public Speaking
    Research domains

    Consumer Behavior

    • Communication engageante
    Kedge Insights
    Insights Others authors Category Expertise
    None Published in The Conversation
    Food, wine & hospitality