Publication | Year of publication | Type of publication |
CASCIOLI, F., C. DEJOUX, "Apprentissage manag¨¦rial avec un MOOC : variations des attentes selon le profil manag¨¦rial", Question(s) de management, 2023, vol. 5, no. 46, pp. 111-121 | 2023 | Journal article |
CASCIOLI, F., "Le manager apprenant : apprentissage avec les nouvelles technologies et comp¨¦tences d¡¯autonomie", La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 2022, vol. 317-318, pp. 25-36 | 2022 | Journal article |
DEJOUX, C., F. CASCIOLI, "L¡¯interaction entre un dispositif d¡¯apprentissage num¨¦rique et les repr¨¦sentations de l¡¯apprenant. Le cas du MOOC ?du manager au leader agile? au sein de la Safran University", Distances et m¨¦diations des savoirs, 2018, vol. 24 | 2018 | Journal article |
Personal development
Human Resources Management
Human Resource Management
Management & Cost Accounting
Insights | Others authors | Category | Expertise |
None | Publication highlight |
Management |
The close links between the worlds of business and sport | None | Published in The Conversation |
International Business Sport |
None | Publication highlight |
Management |
? Continuing education, a guarantee of successful professional mobility?¡± | None | Publication highlight |
Sustainability |
None | Published in The Conversation |
Sustainability |