Funding studies during the crisis: KEDGE provides solutions to help students

PRESS RELEASE – 05.05.2020

Funding studies during the crisis : KEDGE provides solutions to help students

Paying for post-secondary studies is a growing concern during this health, economic and social crisis.

KEDGE, financially sound...

KEDGE has a budget of approximately €120 million, of which over 97% comes from tuition fees paid by students and by companies via sandwich courses. This financial strength enables it to operate under all circumstances and to reinvest an average of €10 million in its campuses, digital resources and financial support for disadvantaged students.

Thanks to its solid finances, KEDGE has remained connected, involved and innovative during the crisis. It has kept all of its teams in place to ensure the continuity of its activities, provide assistance to its community where needed and prepare the 2020 academic year.

Result :

  • all employees are successfully working remotely, 
  • no short-time work procedure, 
  • successful deployment of online courses, 
  • release of €100K from an emergency fund to a hundred students in financial difficulty because of the crisis (loss of student jobs, of sandwich courses or of internships, housing problems, etc.), 
  • implementation of a recruiting plan 2.0 based on a new digital experience. help students fund their studies

Aware of the impact the crisis is having on household budgets, KEDGE is paying special attention to the funding of its students’ and future students’ studies.

  • Stable tuition fees

KEDGE will not implement an inflationary pricing policy. Tuition costs are not automatically increased every year and this is the case for the 2020 academic year for post-Bac programmes like the EBP and the IBBA. The Grande Ecole Programme has been increased by less than 1% for 2020.

In addition, tuition is set at the beginning of the academic year and doesn’t change during the year. This provides a clear understanding of the amount required and facilitates funding.

  • Monthly tuition payments

KEDGE already allows students to pay their tuition fees in four instalments over the academic year. However, as a result of the crisis, starting at the beginning of this academic year, students will be able to make monthly payments over the school year.

  • Accessible loans from KEDGE’s partner banks

With low rates guaranteed by KEDGE’s bank partners and, in particular, deferred repayment after graduation, student loans are the preferred solution to fund studies. The banks know the employability rate and average salaries of KEDGE graduates. They know that they are making a good investment for the future.

  • Student jobs and sandwich courses

While in school, KEDGE students benefit from assistance from the school to obtain financial resources via student jobs on campus. KEDGE has always favoured education through action, promoting professional development and hands-on training and the benefit of financial aid.

Students can also choose to take sandwich courses, which enable them to benefit from funding for all or part of their tuition by companies. There are many options available in the general and specialised programmes. KEDGE will make major announcements on this topic next week...

  • Financial aid and scholarships

KEDGE has always been committed to social diversity. It implements procedures to facilitate access to all of its programmes via:

- The KEDGE scholarship, provided based on criteria: KEDGE has granted scholarships from its own funds every year for over 10 years. This year, the funds helped 310 students with scholarships of up to €3,000 per student.

- The KAP (KEDGE Access Programme), which provides access to loans to students who don’t have a deposit. KEDGE and its partner banks split the students’ deposits equally. The system is extensive and includes financing of the cost of the loan and of student support during their schooling.

- External grants (CROUS) and mobility grants (Erasmus, Region, etc.) are also available.

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